groundhog day

Monday, February 2, 2009

I cannot believe it's February already.
We had a good time last night watching the Super Bowl. We were kind of rooting for the underdog, the Cardinals, but we really aren't fans of either team. I wonder if anyone else heard this during the Arizona Defense introductions, but one of them said he was from "West Lafayette, Red Devils". You know, when they say which College they're from, in this case, High School. Mike and I just looked at each other, we couldn't believe that someone from the Lafayette area was in the Super Bowl. It was kind of exciting.
After the game, we got to watch an Office episode, which was hilarious, as usual. I love that show! Oh, and we're really excited for the Amy Poehler show about the Indiana parks service. I loved Amy on SNL, and I love that it's going to be shot "mockumentary" style, just like The Office. It's going to be on Thursday night, like The Office, starting April 9th.


Anonymous said...

That's funny about they guy from WL. It was a big deal here that the kicker for the Cardinals, Ben Graham, is Australian. I belive this was the first time and Aussie has been in the Superbowl.

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