mail call

Friday, September 11, 2009

I just got home from my haircut and was welcomed home with surprises in the mail box! I received my etsy order - I'm so excited to get this. I ordered some fabric I can't find anywhere anymore. Since I'm still new with this whole fabric/sewing thing, I'm not sure if fabrics are only out for like a year and then they "retire" or if you can always get them. I fell in love with these so I jumped at the chance to own them.

Isn't the packaging cute?!

I ordered the 3 flower fabrics; they're from Amy Butler's line, Midwest Modern. I even got a free scrap of fabric with mermaids on it. It's really cute and it's the beginning of my 'scrap' drawer. You never know when you'll use scraps. My plans for the fabric are tentatively purses. I say tentative because you never know when a new pattern is going to come along. :)

Along with my fabrics I got 2 new magazines, and the new Crate and Barrel catalog. It was a awesome surprise and the best part - NO BILLS. :)


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