
Thursday, June 11, 2009

If you didn't figure it out from the last post, we are going to Lafayette this weekend for my friend, Ashley's wedding. It will be nice to see everyone we get to see. It's always hard trying to fit everyone in. Especially this time, because one of the nights is going to be spent at the wedding. Don't misunderstand me, I can't wait for the wedding, but it just makes it harder to see everyone.

The last couple times I've went back, I didn't go to Borders to visit, so I am definitely making an appearance there this weekend. I may possibly get to buy a couple books! Since there are NO bookstores around here, I'm very excited to just roam around Borders and just get lost in the books.

I'm still trying to finish up my table runner. I really wanted it to be done so I can show it off this weekend at home. Hopefully it's completed soon, I may even finish the binding during the car ride.


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