winter project

Saturday, January 29, 2011

We have been doing little things to our back porch ever since we moved, and it's finally starting to take shape. We've painted the walls and floor and added coat hooks and a rug.

One of Mike's winter projects was to make a bench to go out on the porch so we can have a place to take our shoes off. He drew his own design and went from there. He really likes design things and is really good at it. At least I think so. :)

Mike did a great job on the bench, and it was less than $20 to make. Can't beat that! It was a great weekend project, he built it on Saturday and we stained it on Sunday. So simple. We added baskets to put hats and gloves in to finish it off.

I want to put a nail in the wall above the bench and then change out seasonal wall art. I just need the wall art! :) I guess I better get shopping....


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