announcement time

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Well, I have an announcement....We're MOVING! :)

We found out yesterday that Mike got the job he interviewed for on the 16th. So it looks like the Fleischhauers are headed to Rolla, MO (it's pronounced Raul-a). It's about 1 1/2 southwest of St. Louis, MO. We are really excited for this job. It's somewhere we can see ourselves staying. It really hasn't sunk in yet, I think once we go down and start looking at houses it will start feeling real.

Now here's the kicker...they would like it if Mike could start by February 1st! That just stresses me out to no end. We were planning on buying a house when we move, which I'm so excited for, but I'm feeling the stress of the deadline. We don't know where to begin...we know we need to start with getting approved for the loan, but what lender? And there starts the waterfall of questions in my head.

I told Mike worse case scenario is him moving down while I stay in Hannibal until we find a house. I don't think that it would take too long but it does calm me down thinking about it this way.

So there you have it, you'll have a good idea what we'll be doing in the month of January. :)

christmas sewing projects

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

We had a really nice visit back to Lafayette. It was good to see everyone and it was a pretty relaxing trip. We ran in to snow on our way home, but Mike did such a good job driving us safely home.

I am so happy I can finally show the projects I made for Christmas! Enjoy!

a book cover

all the purses, and one I made two of...a totally of 7!

The craft bag I made for my Mom. I designed the pattern myself! I'm pretty proud of myself on this one. I can't wait to make one for ME! :)

from our home to yours...

Friday, December 25, 2009

merry christmas eve eve!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

When I was little I always would say this on December 23rd, and my family continues to say it.

I can pretty much sum up my last few weeks in 4 words: eat, sleep, work, SEW! I have been sewing everyday! I think I have figured out I don't really like deadlines...or at least working right up to the end of one. I'm still not done! I have about a half of a project left. I can't wait to be done. I probably won't sew for a few weeks after this.

Another thing I can't wait for is to actually show all of you what I've been making. I hate just talking about what I've made in the most general way and then no picture!

Mike and I will be opening our gifts on Christmas Eve morning. My present still hasn't shown up (hmm...seem a little too familiar). Hopefully I will be opening gifts with him. Then we are traveling back home tomorrow afternoon; both of us have tomorrow off! We will most likely head back to Missouri on Sunday, but maybe Monday. I haven't got my schedule for that week yet, so we will know soon enough how long our visit will be.

Mike had an interview on the 16th. We haven't heard anything yet, I was hoping for something by Christmas. It was for the area we wanted so, please keep thinking of us. I told Mike I won't really be sad if you don't get it, but i hate this waiting thing...just tell me already! :)

do you see what i see?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Do you see any thing special??? Guess! Are you sure you know what I'm talking about? :)

It's the Mississippi! And craziest part is this picture was taken from our front porch! Yep, that's right, you can see the MIGHTY Mississippi for our house. You can only see it in the winter because all the trees leaves get in the way the rest of the year. Dang Trees!

Anyway, just thought you would like to see what I can see!

i've been commissioned!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

*just a fancy way of saying I sold a purse!

I never would of dreamed I would make something someone else would want to buy. I know it's a small step and I don't really know where this step is going to lead, but it's really exciting!

oh christmas tree..

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Here is our Christmas tree. Now like I said earlier, it's a pretty sparse tree; I can't wait to get a new one. But it will do for now. I think we had a pretty good time putting it up. Since Mike doesn't really like decorating, I was really surprised he helped. He didn't last year....I'm totally turning him! I need to make a tree skirt, so hopefully I can find some Christmas fabric on sale closer to Christmas. We really don't 'need' it this year, but if I could get the fabric on sale, I would have a whole year to make it. :)

You can't have Christmas without a leg lamp in your window!

Just a tad more decorating...

We really don't have much Christmas decorations. I guess that just mean I get to buy a whole bunch of it when we buy a house! :) I know I've been complaining about not having things or wish mine were nicer/bigger, but I am very appreciative of what I have (just didn't want to leave a wrong impression with this post).

I'm hoping to get some Christmas baking in before the big day, but in reality I probably won't be able to until after the holidays...let's just call it my winter baking. I've been so busy sewing and I'm not ever half done. I really should be sewing instead of blogging right now....

...I think that's what I'm going to do. :)


Sunday, December 6, 2009

I made it!

When I started this blog a year ago, I truly didn't think I would keep up with it as much as a have. Now I know I've kind of been a slacker in the posted department lately, but as a whole I think I've done pretty good. I've really enjoyed blogging, it's a great release and I get to update everyone on our life. :)

We had a really nice Thanksgiving. We went Wednesday night to St. Charles, Mo to have actual Thanksgiving dinner with Mike's Aunt, Uncle and Cousin. Since I had to work Friday, we couldn't really justify going back to Indiana for 1 day. Then Friday afternoon my parents came to town for the rest of the weekend. We had a really great time; didn't do too much. We did go bowling though! Bowling was always a big thing in my family. We actually had Lindstrom family bowling the first Saturday of every month. We really enjoyed it and have missed it since moving to Missouri. Mike and I had only been once before here, and the was in February for Valentine's.

This weekend was really nice. It was good to have a relaxing one after the hussle and bussle of Thanksgiving. Yesterday, Mike went to his first auction and I stayed home to sew. :) I really enjoy just being in the quite house and sewing. I didn't get as much done as I would of liked but I got a lot of prep work done so I can do a bit of sewing this week. I'm making some Christmas presents, and I'm just hoping I can get everything I planned for accomplished. I just need to set aside an hour or so a night and

Then today, we kind of just lounged around in the morning, did a bit of Christmas shopping, grabbed some eggnog and came home to put the tree up. Our tree is kind of a sad tree; pretty thin. It was my college tree and we just haven't replaced it yet. We went to Lowe's today, and I checked out their trees. Mike said we might be able to buy a new one on the after Christmas sales. :) We need a new one, but since we don't really have Christmas at our house yet, I don't really feel the need to put money into one yet.

But it was really cool to have Mike say we could get a new tree. I hate to say it, but my husband is a grinch when it comes to decorating. He feels it's too expensive, doesn't see the point in it and hates that it's just more stuff to store. I'm the complete opposite...I love to decorate, and not just around the holidays. Maybe I'm finally turning him.....let's hope! :)

6 am

Saturday, November 21, 2009

This is the second day in a row I've woken up at 6 am on the dot WIDE AWAKE! I don't understand it. I haven't really gone to bed earlier or anything. Yesterday it was nice because I was able to kind of relax while I got ready for work, but today is another story.

I needed to get up anyway today because I'm driving to Peoria for my sister's bridal shower, but not that early. It's going to be a long day of driving so I really wanted to sleep in as much as possible. I just guess it wasn't in the cards...

I'm getting excited for this shower. I get to see my sister and mom, but more importantly I get to go out to eat. :) Just kidding! I haven't gone out to in over a month so I'm ready for my treat!

To the shower I go!

a quilt???

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Am I ready for one??

I'm thinking about starting my first quilt. I wanted to do small sewing projects until I was comfortable with the machine, the fabric and the technique. I'm really glad I went with this approach. I taught myself to pull through and finish. Now, I know I'm probably jumping the gun, because in reality I won't start it until January; but I'm constantly looking through patterns and fabrics to find the perfect match for my first quilt.

Things I'm looking for in my first quilt:
-queen size
-matching shams
-pattern that Mike likes {believe it or not, he's picky}
-lots of white with pops of color

Yes, I'm going to make it for our bed. We have a plain white quilt on it now and I love it, but I want another to accent with.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We unfortunately haven't been up to much lately...but we did have a new development come up a couple nights ago.

We've always know we would have to move in the near future. Mike's job is an entry level/training position that should last about 2 years, and then he would be promoted to an official resource forester. Well, the first job popped up this week that is in a "okay" location. We aren't going to be too picky on applying for jobs except for where the cost of living is higher aka St. Louis. We are not getting our hopes up just because it is in a very desirable location in Missouri. See, Missouri has a lot on itty-bitty towns.....and this job is in civilization. It's down south near the Lake of the Ozarks. :) That is where we would like to end up. It's a bit warmer, more to do when people come to visit, and the lakes and forests.

I'm putting this out for the world now so that we can be in your thoughts. Not for this job in particular, but just this upcoming process. When he does get a new job is just going to snow ball into buying a house, me getting a new job, finding new friends, etc. I feel our life will actually start once we move. I know that's silly, but I just feeling like I'm on pause right now since I know this isn't permanent.

I wish we weren't at the beginning of this process and it was just...done. I hate the waiting and I feel this is going to be like a year long wait. {let's hope not...}


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

That's how many days there are until Christmas. I only know this because I work for a catalog company geared toward this holiday and I have a counter on my computer at work. Work has definitely got busier in the last week. I work in the credit department, so everyone and their brother is calling in to get their payments up to date and an increase in their credit limit. The sad thing is is that I know this is just a preview of what it's going to be like between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's going to get worse and busier, there's no slowing down in the near future.

Last night Mike and I made a trip to Quincy to go to the orchard! We went about a month ago for apples, cider and pumpkins. Ever since we've had those apples, we can't get enough. We bought a 1/2 bushel! We also bought cider again because I'm wanting to try and make Apple Cider Donuts that I saw in a magazine. If they turn out, I'll definitely put them on the cooking blog. I hope they do...

We also were able to stop at Hobby Lobby. I say we, but Mike stayed in the car. I just need to pick up some sewing supplies that I can't get in Hannibal; cheaply anyway. I love Hobby Lobby; too bad it was an in and out quick kind of shopping. I could just roam for hours.

the start of the season

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I know it's just the beginning of November (wasn't it just March???), but I feel the start of baking season come on. I love to bake-cheesecake, cookies,brownies, pies (am I making you hungry?). But there's also my other favorite kind of baking-casseroles, lasagna, pot roast, pot pies (how about now?). I LOVE food like this. I think that's why I like fall so much; I can do all this baking with the foods I love and still have beautiful weather.

I'm glad Mike works where he does because everyone brings in goodies around this time of year. So I can make something, have a serving and ship it off with him to where I know it won't get wasted. :) I feel like I'm in training to have a kindergartner....

silly anniversaries

Monday, November 9, 2009

This weekend was the 5th anniversary of Mike and my's first kiss!

I'm such a sap.... I try to remember all these little moments of our life together. I always remind him and he rolls his eyes at me (not in a mean way, just a "I can't believe you remember these things" kind of way), kisses me and says "happy anniversary". It always brings a smile to my face. :)

At the end of this month, we will have been officially together for 5 years. half a decade. That is just crazy to me. Time sure flies by and I doubt it will ever slow down.

the funny thing about purses is......

Sunday, November 8, 2009

that I can NEVER have too many! :)

Mike went out to his uncles farm this morning, so I decide to make another purse. Why not? I think I'm really getting the hang of this because the one yesterday took about 6 hours and the one today, just under 3 hours! I seriously can't believe how easy they are. Why did I wait so long to discover purse making??? B.M. (before marriage) I probably bought about 6 or 7 purses a year (don't worry, nothing super expensive); what can I say, I just love the feeling of carrying around a new purse. Well, I have yet to buy a purse in the 13 months we've been married. It's shocking, I know. I joked with Mike last night that this may be the only way for me to get new purses. He just laughed; men don't understand the want/need of a new purse. It's not something that you need, so I get that point on view, but still!

Well, here's my most recent creation. I actually think I'm going to carry this one first. I have to take a 3-ring binder back and forth to work and the first purse was just a tad too small. But this new one fits perfectly. So the other will just have to be a weekend purse for now.

from Amy Butler's Midwest Modern Line

It's funny, I always hate making the first cut into a new fabric. I know I'm about to make something lovely out of it, but I feel like I'm destroying this beautiful fabric at the same time.

I'm really liking this flower/purse pose.

Well I'm off to the park to go for a walk! It's too gorgeous of a day to be inside all day.

my first purse!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My $3 fabric!

I really didn't think I would get a whole purse done in an afternoon. I'm still a little shocked. Since I was finished, I couldn't wait to post these pictures! I'm pretty proud of myself for how well this came out. I definitely learn things though; when I snap it closed, it doesn't lay flat, etc. oh well. This was also my first time using fusible interfacing; I don't know why I was so nervous, it was so easy and it definitely gave the purse structure. Anyway, after completing my purse I decided to have a little photo shoot...I know, I'm a nerd.

frost and chirpping

Two nights ago we had our first "frost". I'm using this loosely because I didn't have to scrap my car's windows, I just used the windshield washer fluid. I guess our surrounding area has been having a morning frost basically every morning, but since our house is so close to the Mississippi River, we are sort of shielded.

Last weekend while I was sewing I started to hear a fire alarm chirp. It was really faint so I figured it was downstairs. But then we I went downstairs, it sounded like it was upstairs..... So for like 3 days, Mike and I were trying to figure out where it was coming from; neither one of us could figure it out. Finally on Wednesday, I had a thought...what about the BASEMENT! duh. Well, I was right and we got it taken care of. I still can't believe we didn't think of it sooner and that I could actually hear it on the second floor. I guess that's an old house for you.

Today is such a gorgeous day! I went to the fabric store to get some fabric for the lining of my purse! That's right, I'm finally making my purse. The one I've been talking about since before April. Since this has been in the plans for a while, my original fabric for this purse was pretty "spring-ish" so when I was at the store I found a beautiful "autumn-ish" fabric on their sale rack for $3 a yard! My heart skipped a beat I think when I saw it. So the spring fabric could be scrapped all together or I'll just make it later this winter, who knows.
I'm so excited and nervous. I don't want to mess it up. But if I do mess up, it's just on $3 fabric. :)


Saturday, October 31, 2009

I guess we are just getting old, since we have no plans for tonight. :)

Mike was out hunting again and didn't get home until after dark, so we had a late dinner. He had an unsuccessful day of hunting and is thinking about going out in the morning but, I don't really see that happening. But we will see.

I on the other hand had a pretty productive Saturday. I did some much needed laundry, sewing, and made some sugar cookies (shaped like pumpkins and leaves, of course). This mini project I'm doing is almost complete and probably would have been but I need to figure out some logistics. Hopefully it will be done tomorrow.



Friday, October 30, 2009

Mike went out tonight for the first time this bow season. Actually, I think this is the first time Mike's hunted dear with a bow; I've always known him to go out during shot gun season. He recently bought a used bow off of someone we know, so I know he's excited to go out and really try it out. I'm hoping he gets something today, or he's going to go out this whole weekend. :(

I'm looking forward to a quiet, simple weekend. We've have two busy weekends in a row so I can't wait to just relax. maybe get a little sewing in.. :) I can't show what I'm making but I will show a sneak peak with the fabric. I went to far lengths to find this, since it wasn't available at my fabric store I ordered it online. I had a pretty good experience with ordering online, and I guess it's good practice in case we move somewhere else that doesn't have a fabric store.

that's it. that's all you get.... :)

Hope you have a great weekend!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We carved our pumpkins about 2 weeks ago after we went to the apple orchard with Brad and Lindsey. Sorry it took my forever to post these, but over the weekend we finally got our computer fixed and I was able to upload a ton of pictures. YES!

Mike getting Smokey the Bear all squared up.

The boys took a bit longer than the girls. :)

My Eiffel Tower.

Smokey all lit up.

Mike definitely took his time with Smokey. With Mike being a forester, they have tons of Smokey the Bear stuff; key chains, lanyards, ruler, etc. Then he got a email with this stencil, and it was a easy choice for him.

hog roast

Friday, October 23, 2009

I think Mike had a pretty nice birthday on Wednesday. We had our friends, Brad and Lindsey, over and it was just a over all relaxing evening. The guys hung out while Lindsey and I were in the kitchen. I got Mike a new alarm clock and a boning knife. I know a alarm clock doesn't sound very neat, but it does a whole lot: inside/outside temp, auto daylight savings change, projector, sound machine and radio. I think that's all it does.... I figured he could use a nice knife for when he gets a deer this year (here's hoping). He did a really nice job butchering last years, so I'm sure this one will be even better.

We are going home for the weekend. Our friend, Matt and Katie, are having a hog roast! Since we won't be able to come home for Thanksgiving, this just seems like that right time for a visit home. I'm really excited to see everyone and hope we can get everything in that we want to.

My great Aunt Lousie passed away on Tuesday, and her funeral is Saturday morning. I'm glad we will be home so we could be there for it. I hadn't see her in a couple years. It's definitely a sad time.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Wednesday was our one year anniversary........of living in Missouri. :) I can't believe it's been a year. I knew it was on the 14th , but when it came I nearly forgot. So I guess we are now official Missourians.

This weekend was the Folk Life festival here in Hannibal. It's comparable to "the feast of the hunters moon" back home, but a prairie version and it's downtown on Main Street instead of in a field. We went yesterday and wandered our way looking at all the pottery, jewelry, art and FOOD! The food was really good, Mike and I had cheese steak sandwiches...mmm! We bought a spoon rest to go next to the coffee maker and some pumpkin fudge. So good!

This coming Wednesday is Mike's birthday! He's going to be a old man of 26. :) It seems like just yesterday I saw him on his 21st birthday. We had just met and I was hanging out at his house when he came home from the bars (I was only 19). 2 weeks later we were a couple!

We aren't really doing anything that special, our friends Brad and Lindsey are coming over for dinner, I'm making homemade pizza and pumpkin roll (birthday boy's request!). I'm sure it will be a good night, I just want to make it exciting and special, but I married a simple man. And it's his birthday, so I told him it was his choice.

Small thing I learned this week - Mike puts the bread tie on in the opposite direction as I do. So it always takes me two tries to untie it. :)

the meaning of friday

Friday, October 9, 2009

....I finally understand the joy of this day. :)

Since I've always worked retail, Fridays never meant that much to me. I always worked some part of the weekend. Well, not anymore! This is my first weekend without a job in awhile. We don't really have plans, except we are resigning our lease tomorrow morning.

I heard a advertisement on the radio on my way home this evening about a orchard near by. It's doing a demonstration on how they make apple cider and they have it and pumpkins for sale. It's on Sunday, so I'm going to try to find it online and ask Mike if we can go. We haven't bought our pumpkins yet and I can't wait to get some and figure out what to carve it in to.

So I got tagged.

Here are the rules:

1. open your first photo folder

2. scroll to the 10th photo

3. post the photo on your blog and tell the story behind it

4. tag people to do the same

Well, here's a little back story. My computer crashed about 2 months ago, so I've been using Mike's laptop full-time now. Don't worry, I have all my pictures saved on CD, but I'm waiting for my new hard drive before I upload them. So the only pictures I have on a computer are pretty recent.

This picture is from our anniversary camping trip (in September). This was the view from our camp site. So peaceful. I love that we weren't surrounded by other campers. It was a great weekend. :)

Since I don't really know that many people that read this that blog as well, I'm going to tag Anne and Laura. They are sure to have great pictures and great stories.

free day

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Here I am at home on a Sunday instead of at work! I'm finally free of BB&B. It felt so good to just get up and make breakfast and then have nothing else really planned for the day. Well, I do have things planned for today, I guess; I'm catching up on everything I needed/wanted to do this week. I've already made granola bars for Mike's morning snack, and hopefully I will get cookies made for lunches.

Mike's at a friends today to help on a vehicle so I have the house to myself to get things accomplished. I really want to work on my table runner, but my sewing machine has other plans. I've probably sewn six lines and ripped them all out. I think my problem is the tension of the thread, and of course, I can't figure out how to fix it. I'm going to pull out my manual and try to fix it before Mike comes home. Fingers crossed...

I love having a day to do whatever I want. I don't think I've had one of these days since about February. True story.

work in progress

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Didn't know if anyone wanted to see my Christmas table runner. So this is my 3rd table runner, and yes, it's the same pattern. After I finish this one I'm going to spread my wings and try another pattern. I'm just comfortable with this one and I know how much fabric I need for it, so I can buy fabric on a whim for it. :P

The fabric is Figgy Pudding by Basic Grey for Moda

I love charm packs!

All laid out.

In the progress of quilting.
Hopefully I'll get this project completed soon. I just ordered some fabric for some gifts I really need to get started on. I'm going to try to be the kind of "crafter" that only works on one project until it's complete and on to the next one. Let's see how long it lasts... :)


Since I've started my new job, my whole schedule is out of whack. I'm behind on laundry, dusting/vacuuming, dishes, etc. I used to be able to do chores before work every morning (since I didn't have to work until 10am) , but now I just don't have time in the morning. Then when I get home a little after 5, it's ready to make dinner. I'm confident that I can get a new schedule rolling once I'm done with BB&B (this Saturday!!), hopefully it will turn around next week.

Why is it when I have time to blog, I don't really have anything to say, but when I have things to share I don't have the time to write about's just a blogging catch-22 I guess.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009's officially Autumn! It happens almost a one week from the solstice. I'm loving this weather! I love it when it's cool enough to have the windows shut but still warm enough not to turn on the furnace. Now that our windows are shut, I'm sleeping so much better. Since we live basically right on the Mississippi (there's about 200 yards, trees and a railroad between us-I think that's "right on" the river) , we constantly hear train and barge horns. Now there is at least a barrier of windows between us.

Well it's time to go to work this morning. Time to go look like Madonna - the "cool" microphone headset, sans the cone bra. :)

a whole week

Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm still here! Sorry I left my readers (all 3 of them :) ) hanging this week. This has probably been the busiest week I've had in Missouri. My new job, which I'm really enjoying, is going great! So here is a real quick recap of the week:

Camping was a blast! I really enjoyed the calmness/laziness of camping. We went on a 2 mile trail around a lake at the state park, but when we went around to the edge of the lake, we were walking right next to a soy bean field. That's just not what I want to see on a nature hike, you know? So we decided against more hiking. We finally got to use our cast iron dutch oven. It was really neat cooking over the fire. I will have to say it was a little difficult controlling the heat, but our chili was delicious. It rained on Sunday morning, so that kind of stunk, but over all we had a great anniversary trip.

Making chili with the spurtle!

Breakfast: part 1 (part 2 was eggs, bacon and hash browns)

happy campers!

We had our anniversary cake on Sunday night after a great steak dinner. The cake was really good, as good as on our wedding day. The only thing was there was a TON of icing on it. I'm thinking she did this to protect the cake from a year in the freezer, because our wedding day cake didn't have that much on it.

The green icing sort of faded to gray, but our strawberry swirl cake was perfect!

So I'm sure all of you are curious about what was in the big box, right???? Well, this dear husband of mine MADE me a pasta dryer. I've been looking at them online, but he made me one! I like this one so much more than him buying one. I love that he took the time to make it and I had no idea. Now I'll be able to make loads of pasta and dry them properly.

p.s. I got Mike tools for his gift. You can never go wrong with tools, right?

the past few days

Friday, September 18, 2009

This is what my last two days have consisted of....I had a really bad cold. Wednesday my body was just so aching - I hate that feeling. Now, I feel a lot better, but my nose is still running like crazy. I'm glad I've been off work since Tuesday because I probably would've called in on Wednesday. I hope I'm feeling even better tomorrow, since we are going on our anniversary camping trip. :)

I start my new job on Monday. I hope I don't still sound sick, since my job is talking to people on the phone. I'm ready to start something new! Too bad I'm working at BB&B the whole weekend, so Monday is going to start a 12 day work streak (at least). I'm not really looking forward to that. :/

I'm so excited to get our anniversary cake out of the freezer today! I still can't believe it has been a year. I really hope it tastes good. I have high hopes for this cake. The lady that made our cake makes a separate anniversary cake, so we actually served the entire cake at the wedding. Since a professional sealed the cake, I'm thinking it won't be stale, but we'll see. :)

i can breathe easy now

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I have found a new job! It's at a calling center here in Hannibal for catalog orders. I will be answering the phone when people call in to make a payment. It's not what I really what to do (what is that anyway?), but I'm very excited. It's a Monday - Friday, 8-5 kinda job!!! I'm still going to keep BB&B for at least a couple weeks to see how this job go, but I have a feeling I won't be working the Christmas season in retail. :)

This all has happened pretty quick - I got the call last night about 6 and I start next Monday. Mike and I kept talking about all the great things that come along with this job all night. We are going to have nights and weekends together, I'll be using less gas, I'll be payed more..... The night and weekends are priceless to me, I can't wait to be able to do what I want on the weekends and not have to ask off 3 weeks in advance.

Things are finally turning around, it's crazy how a new job can change everything.

a calm monday morning

Monday, September 14, 2009

I hate to say it, but I'm sort of glad the weekend is over. GASP! I know, but this weekend was a busy one for me. I just feel like I didn't have any down time. We had the last 'down by the river' on Friday night. Then on Saturday evening we had a wedding of one of Mike's co-workers. It was nice to see some of Mike's co-workers that I haven't seen since last years Christmas party.

T minus 4 days until our anniversary camping trip. :) I'm getting really excited about it. I just want to relax with my husband by the fire, toasting s'mores. What more can a girl ask for??? I'm trying to get the menu made up in the next couple days. I pretty much know what I want to make (chili in the cast iron dutch oven), but I'm thinking about trying a new recipe.

Speaking of the anniversary, here is one of my presents from Mike. He told me he's going to wrap it. I was also told not to touch it, and I haven't. I just wonder what the heck it is?!?!? Any guesses? (not jewelry, obviously) :(

mail call

Friday, September 11, 2009

I just got home from my haircut and was welcomed home with surprises in the mail box! I received my etsy order - I'm so excited to get this. I ordered some fabric I can't find anywhere anymore. Since I'm still new with this whole fabric/sewing thing, I'm not sure if fabrics are only out for like a year and then they "retire" or if you can always get them. I fell in love with these so I jumped at the chance to own them.

Isn't the packaging cute?!

I ordered the 3 flower fabrics; they're from Amy Butler's line, Midwest Modern. I even got a free scrap of fabric with mermaids on it. It's really cute and it's the beginning of my 'scrap' drawer. You never know when you'll use scraps. My plans for the fabric are tentatively purses. I say tentative because you never know when a new pattern is going to come along. :)

Along with my fabrics I got 2 new magazines, and the new Crate and Barrel catalog. It was a awesome surprise and the best part - NO BILLS. :)

productive day

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I had yesterday off work. wahoo! I was nice to just do things around the house. Mike had a few things to do out in the garage, so I decided to piece together the top of my Christmas table runner. I got to thinking about how nice it was that we both could do our own projects at the same house. B.M. (before marriage), I would have to go back to my place if I needed to do something and visa versa. I know it's silly to think about after almost a year of living together (it's like a 'duh' moment). But this was the first time we both got something completely different accomplished. It's still neat/new to me that I get to live with this amazing man.

We had some friends over last night for dinner. We had a really nice time, dinner and Skip-Bo. :) Mike and Brad played horseyballs while Lindsey and I chatted in the kitchen. I'm so glad we have found a couple that the guys get along, the girls get along and the four of us have a great time together.

We've made a decision on what we are doing for our anniversary --CAMPING. We are going to Wakonda State Park. It's about 40 minutes north of us (in Missouri). I'm glad we will finally be putting our wedding gifts to use. We received a new tent, new stove, dutch oven, lantern, etc. It seems very fitting to be using them on our 1st anniversary, right? Now I'm putting together lists so we don't forget anything....

busy weekend ahead

Friday, September 4, 2009

This weekend is going to be busy. Mike's cousin and his girlfriend (Jake & Amanda) are in town from Indiana. This is basically a repeat of Memorial Day weekend, Mike's aunt, uncle and other cousin (Pam, Bill and Laura) will be out at their farm as well. I'm sure Mike will be out there ALL weekend; he even wants to stay out there on Saturday night. I, of course, have to work all weekend. :/ So I won't really get to participate in the 'festivities' of the weekend. Maybe I'll get a few pictures in. I'm horrible about taking pictures, but wish I had more.

I haven't sewn a thing this week. I went to the fabric store to find fabric for the previous mentioned Christmas present. Well, they don't have it and aren't planning on carrying it. DARN! Well, I have my heart set on it, so I'm going to have to order it online. Too bad I can't order the yardage until later this month. That's how new this fabric line is! Since I have to wait on the fabric, I'm either going to start my Christmas table runner or try my hand at a purse. If I go with the purse, I have to work with interfacing, which I've never done. I've been researching it online, but if anyone reading this has any hints for fusible interfacing, I'm all ears!

Happy Labor Day weekend. Enjoy you're 3-days off and think of me.

gobble gobble

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Okay, so I know it's not November, but I wanted to show off my harvest table runner. The fabric is gobble gobble by Sandy Gervais for Moda fabrics. I love Moda! I'm really happy with the way it turned out. I really enjoyed the fabric, so cute! With this being only my second table runner {and quilting project}, I feel like it turned out so much better than the first. I feel like my sewing has improved so much.

I went to the Hannibal quilting guild meeting last night. I'm glad I went, but I was a little nervous walking in. I was definitely the youngest person there. There was one lady that looked to be in her mid-thirties, but the rest were 55+ { a lot of the ladies were probably 70+ }. It was a really positive experience, they were all really nice to the "guests" and made me feel welcome. I'm going to so to the meeting next month and then decide if it's something I want to join.

Oh, here is the final product of my first table runner. I've shown the topper before, but that was before it was quilted and bound. I'm pretty proud of myself with this one. There are some mistakes, but like my mother in law told me, "people don't see those flaws unless you point them out." This fabric is sweet by Urban Chiks for Moda. {are you seeing a trend with my moda obsession.....}

***This is my 100th post! I made it! :)

sewing blogs...who knew?!

Monday, August 31, 2009

I've found a new obsession...sewing blogs. I had no idea there was such a thing. I guess I'm not really surprised, because there are so many cooking and home decorating blogs. Why not sewing!? This week, I've just been searching and searching these blogs, and you know what the best part is? There are TONS of free patterns and tutorials out there. I love free! I've found some new favorites to add to my google reader and I've even found a pattern for a Christmas gift for someone. {Sorry, that's as much as I'm going to say, I don't want to give away a Christmas surprise!} I'm sure they're going to love it though and I've found the perfect fabric for it. All I have to do is find the fabric at the local store, or I may have to order it online. I've found a couple brands I really like, Moda and Amy Butler.

I finished my harvest table runner! I'm very impressed with myself for doing so in less than a week. There would of been a picture of it here, but Mike took the camera to work today, so I will post a picture of it in the next couple of days. Promise. I know I need to pace myself, so I probably won't start the Christmas table runner for a few weeks.

I think I've decided to go to the quilting guild meeting; the next one is actually tomorrow. I'm pretty nervous about it, but I'm sure I'll have a good time. It's just scary thinking of going somewhere where you know no one and going alone. I'm a pretty quiet person when I first meet people; actually, it's really hard for me to start conversations with strangers.

So we'll see how it goes, I hope it goes well....

sewing stories

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I've had the last couple days off work, so I've been sewing! This past weekend we went to fabric store and I bought some fall/harvesty fabrics. I'm making a table runner, and I'm almost done quilting it. I'm hoping to have the quilting finished and the binding attached today, but we'll see. After I get this runner complete, I'm going to make a Christmas one. Pictures to follow, promise. I'm really getting into the whole sewing/quilting craft. The reason I haven't done more is that this can be an expensive activity.

When I went to the fabric store on Monday to get my backing and binding fabrics, I got talking to the ladies that work there. They invited me to join the local quilting guild. Now, I know there are probably going to be more older women there than younger, but I could learn a lot from them. I'm thinking about going to at least one of the meeting. I'm pretty sure there is a yearly fee, I'm just not sure how much. And if I join, I get 10% off at the fabric store. :)

I'm the kind of person you can't do two activities at once. So it's a good thing I can't always have a sewing project, because it gives me time to read. I'm currently reading Eat Pray Love. I'm really starting to get into it, but I put it on the back burner while I finish my harvest table runner.

Oh, and still no word on the interview last week. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing.....

cold toe season

Monday, August 24, 2009

We had a really good weekend with Mike's mom and her boyfriend. We went to Clarksville on Saturday. They have some really cute stores. I went there when my girlfriends came to town, but I'm glad Mike got to go this time. There is a really neat furniture store that I knew he would like and he found some bar stools he would want if we ever get a bar. There also is a glass blowing studio and we watched the glass blower make a vase. It was really neat - I probably could of sat there all day. We then went to a resort that had wine tasting, beer tasting, lunch and afternoon music. I think it was a pretty good time, but I'm not sure if we will ever take other people there. The music group was a joke, in my opinion. It was a 70+ Elvis look-a-like (complete with black wig that didn't match his sideburns) and a woman. The woman had a really nice voice, but the two people just didn't match each other.

After our adventure in Clarksville, we can back to our place and tried to decide what we wanted to do that evening and Sunday. We decided it would be best to go to the fabric store immediately. :) Oh how I love this store! There's a Better Homes and Gardens Quilting Magazine out now with a article on the top 10 fabric stores in the country.... guess what?!? The Hannibal fabric store is one of them. How lucky am I and my guests? Anyway, Mike's mom and I went shopping while the guys sat outside. We did really good; I found fabrics for a harvest and a christmas table runner, Mike's mom found some ice blue wintery fabrics....beautiful!

Sunday, we took them to Lover's Leap and then we took the tour at the Rockcliffe Mansion. We went on a self guided tour of the mansion at Thanksgiving, but have been wanting to go and have a proper tour. I'm glad we went, there's so much information the guide gave us. Just for all of you who don't know what I'm talking about, Rockcliffe Mansion is a 14,000 sq. ft. home built in 1900 by a lumber baron here is Hannibal. Since he had access to the wood and had the money, the house has beautifully carved fireplaces heavy pocket doors and Tiffany lamps. A little fact: This lumber baron lived in our house while the mansion was being built...kind of neat!

All and all, it was a great visit. We even got our anniversary cake, Mike's mom was nice enough to bring is to us. It's crazy to believe we will be eating it in less than a month!

The weather was amazing all weekend and has continued this morning. We slept with our windows open and it was great! I even got to put my cold toes on Mike. I know it's mean, but it feels so good. :)

Well, I'm off to start my day, I'm headed back to the fabric store to get the backing and binding fabric. I told you it was dangerous....


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mike's mom and her boyfriend will be arriving tomorrow evening. It's always nice to have visitors. Another good thing is Mike will actually be here for their visit. There was a chance of Mike going out west for fire duty, but I don't think he'll get the call this week (I probably just jinxed it). I hope he does get that call soon; he's really excited about going.

We don't really have any set plans while they are here, which I really like. I'm glad we have things to do around town, but we can do them on our own time. It makes for a more relaxing weekend. We are definitely going to the fabric store, which will be dangerous. I went in a couple weeks ago, and they have their Christmas fabrics out and I love them! I may have to pick something up to make a table runner or something. The other thing I'm pretty sure we're doing is we want to take them to a new wine shop downtown. It's the only smoke-free place here and it's more like a wine bar. They don't serve food, just drinks. We've never been, so I hope it's good. :)

I had an interview yesterday. I normally don't like putting these things on the internet because I feel it jinxes me. But I didn't get any of the jobs I've kept quiet about, so I don't think it really matters. The interview went really well, and I really feel I would be a good match. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!

walk through results

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The guy from the city just left. The walk through went fine, but they did have to go into every room. It was for structural reasons and see if the house was up to code with fire alarms, if the electrical outlets are giving off enough electricity, etc. The only bad thing is he looked in all the places you never clean-under the sinks and in our closets!! I understand why he had to, but still....I didn't clean there!!!

The landlord was there as well and I was hoping to talk to him about our wasp and spider problem, but he didn't stick around after the guy from the city left. I didn't really want to bring it up in front of the guy who was "grading" us. The landlord is going to get back with us with the things he needs so change for the city, so I think that is when will are going to bring up the problems.

Moral of the story....I can't wait to own a house!

blogging on a sunday

Sunday, August 16, 2009

We are still getting adjusted to living in a different state. With moving comes different laws, and so now we have to have our rental house checked out by the city. I guess they are supposed to do it every year, but they don't normally do it every year. I'm used to rentals being checked by the landlords, but the city is a whole different ballgame. So they are coming Tuesday, at some point - they can't even give us a general time. I've talked to my landlord about it and she said they have to walk in and check every single room. I'm not sure if this for structural reasons or if they want to see if anything illegal is going on the the household. Obviously, there is nothing illegal going on in this house, unless you count my laziness on dusting. :)

I'm not sure how this will pan out, but I will definitely have a review afterward.

wasps & spiders & fainting, oh my!

Friday, August 14, 2009

We have wasps again. I really don't know what the deal is. I know we live in a super old house, so there's going to be a hole in a wall somewhere, but still- this is getting ridiculous. I've already killed 2 wasps this morning. We don't have the windows open, so it can't be the screens. I really want to say something to the landlords, but Mike doesn't think it's a big deal.

I have recently found some spiders as well. I really don't understand.... It has to be this old house. In some of our rooms the base board doesn't touch the floor in places and I've seen them come out of that little crack. Again, I don't know what to do about them; I need to go and investigate what kind of sprays are out there I guess. We have a basic spray, but I want to get these guys gone FOREVER!

Sorry to bug you all with this problem (pun intended). It's not really the most exciting thing, but it's what's going on in our lives.

Tonight we are going to 'Down by the River' (remember...I fainted at the last one). I'm a little nervous, just because people are going to be asking about the fainting spell. I'm sure we'll have a good time, and I will be bringing some water along. :)

bagel & coffee

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I went to Quincy yesterday morning to meet a couple friends from work at Panera for breakfast. Talk about a blast from the past. I haven't been to a Panera since last August or September. I got my usual, Cinnamon Crunch Bagel and coffee. I was so nice to just sit and chat.

I went to Hobby Lobby after, since it is in the same strip mall. It brought back memories of planning our wedding. I haven't been to one since my last trip for paper for the place cards and programs.I LOVE HOBBY LOBBY! It just gets me in the crafting spirit. I walked through all every aisle. They have all their Thanksgiving stuff and most of their Christmas set up. I dream of the day when I have the money to fully decorate our house for both holidays. I actually want to have some form of seasonal/holiday decoration in my house at all times. I'm sure Mike is not going to enjoy this, but oh well - it makes me happy. I started an candy dish "collection" at Borders with clearance dishes. I only have a couple - Halloween, Valentine's Day, and Easter. I hope to complete this soon.

date with the husband

Monday, August 10, 2009

Yesterday was the first day that Mike and I had off together with nothing else planned since the end of May. Yes, I figured it out, and yes, I hope it never takes that long again.

We started the day out great - lazily made our way downstairs to make coffee and breakfast. We always have a homemade breakfast together on the weekends, but this was different. It was so much more relaxing knowing I didn't have to go to work immediately following. We then made our way to a winery in Monroe City. It's just about 20 miles east of us. We had a little trouble finding it, but that's all part of the fun, right? The winery is just in it's beginning stages, this being it's third season open. But it was probably the best winery we've been to. This man knew his stuff, and had a great personality. We tried 11 wines and we both liked all but one (the same one - how cute!) We only bought 2 bottles, but it's sold at our local grocery so I know we will be buying more.

The only con to this winery is what it looks like at the moment. They have this really old farm house that they wanted to sell the wine out of, so they renovated the house. Then Missouri changed their law, and now you are not allowed to sell alcohol out of a residence. So they have a make shift winery in their yard, which is a house trailer. He talked to us about it and they want to build, but in these hard economical time, they are nervous about it and are uncertain about when it will take place. He wants to do it as soon as possible though.

We then went to Quincy to look for an "outdoorsy" store Mike had heard about, but they were closed on Sundays. We had lunch there and then made our way back home. We got to take a nap on the couch together. PERFECT! We even watched the movie we watched on our very first date. I don't think either of us had seen it since then, so that was fun.

It was a great day with my husband and I wish it didn't end.

the 8th day

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Today is my last day of work in my 8-day streak. Wahoo! I'm so ready for a break. I know I don't do laborious work, but it has worn me out. I'm used to working 2 or 3 days in a row and having a day off. It was even that way when I was working at Borders. And it doesn't really help that most of my shifts this week have been mid day shifts, 10-6, 12-5, etc. - and with a half hour commute, it makes it a long day. The day is pretty much over by the time I get home and make dinner.

I have a couple recipes to post on the cooking blog, but just haven't found the time to do it. Hopefully at least one of them makes it up there tomorrow. :)

work & wine

Monday, August 3, 2009

The sheets sleep amazingly. I don't know where they have been all my life. :) We got the sheets I always recommend to bridal couples when registering, so I'm glad I actually have them and I know what I'm recommending.

Last Thursday started a 8 day work streak. EEK! I know I was just complaining about not having enough hours, but this is just going from not enough to too much. The hours are what I want, but you gotta give a girl a break....right?

Since the winery I went to with the girls last weekend was a bust, I really want to find a good one around here to take our visitors. I have this coming Sunday off, so Mike and I are going to try a winery in Monroe City. I'm really getting into the whole winery thing. It's pretty cheap entertainment for an afternoon and we get to kind of explore near by cities. Plus we get to try wine. I'm still getting a taste for wine, and I'm hoping it keeps developing. I'm really into the blushes right now - white zinfandel and such, but I wish I liked more of a variety.

early anniversary gift

Friday, July 31, 2009

We got our first anniversary gift today. Now, I know we have about 6 weeks until our anniversary, but we just couldn't pass up this offer. We got some much needed sheets from my parents. We've been sleeping on wilderness camo 200-thread count sheets - well, no longer! We got some nice chocolate 620-thread counts sateen sheets. They're extra deep, which I need. I wake up every morning with my corner of the mattress exposed, and every night I have to pull the sheet over the corner again. Well, hopefully that nightly routine in gone.

I can't wait to sleep on new sheets! Thanks Mom and Dad. :)

girls getaway

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We had such a good girls weekend. It was just what the doctor ordered. :)

The girls arrived early afternoon on Friday. I gave them a quick tour of the house and then we went straight downtown. Of course I forgot my camera, but the girls had there's so we got some great photos. It was pretty hot out, but the girls were troopers. I love taking our visitors downtown, it's such a relaxing stroll. You can see what you want to see, go into where you want to go. That night we went to The Brick Oven for dinner. I went there for my birthday dinner when my family came to visit; and I thought it was just as good this time. Mike had never been there, and he said he didn't like the pizza at all - but me and the girls really liked it. Then we went home and watched a movie.

Saturday, I made my blueberry coffeecake scones for breakfast. The turned out great! Then off of us girls headed to Louisiana, MO for a wine tasting at the Eagle Nest Winery. If anyone who reads this is thinking of going to this winery, don't do it. It was definitely memorable, but not in a good way. It was very hill-jack to me. We did our tastings out of dose cups from the local hospital.

We ate at the restaurant on the corner and then the 'winery' is the third building.

Ashley and Marlene in front of the winery.

We then went to a pewter store there. They were having an event where all these local artists there with their work. It was very neat and I really wish I could of afford these candlesticks that were beautiful.

The Pewter store. Its pewter was used in the mini series ' John Adams'.

Since Louisiana and the whole winery experience was kind of a bust, we drove to Clarksville, MO. It is just 10 miles south of Louisiana and they have quite a few little shops there. Clarksville is right on the river like Hannibal. There was even a glass blowing shop, and we got to see a demostration of blowing a shot glass. I even bought one. :) It was just so cute. I'm sure I'll put a picture up of it soon.

Their arch way to the river.

We went to all the little shops, which I'm really starting to enjoy. I never thought I would be the girl to like little small towns. Don't get me wrong, I still love the big cities - but I'm just appreciating the little ones as well.

Marlene in a 30's hat. :)

One of the streets in Clarksvile.

After going to all the little stores, we made our way back to Hannibal. I started to make dinner, it took longer than expected (but doesn't it always). Brooke and Ashley had the great idea to have a little celebration from Marlene here so I could be apart of it. Marlene is graduating from Purdue in August and I really wish I could be there to see her walk. So I made stuffed shells in marinara, Olive Garden Salad, and Tiramisu. Ashley brought some wine and champagne - the celebration went great. It was so nice to just sit around the table chatting away until 1:30 A.M. This was probably my favorite part of their trip.

On Sunday, I just made pancakes and bacon. Then us girls went up to Lover's Leap. It's a look out basically right above our house. There was such a great breeze up there, I didn't want to leave.
Brooke, Marlene and Ashley at Lover's Leap.

This last picture is for my dad. Here's a barge going down the Mississippi - It's actually 3 barges wide, and 6 long. The boat going along next to is is this big triple deck dinner cruise boat. It just kind of shows the size of the barge.

This weekend was like a getaway for me too. No work, great friends and a little bit of traveling. :)
