busy weekend ahead

Friday, September 4, 2009

This weekend is going to be busy. Mike's cousin and his girlfriend (Jake & Amanda) are in town from Indiana. This is basically a repeat of Memorial Day weekend, Mike's aunt, uncle and other cousin (Pam, Bill and Laura) will be out at their farm as well. I'm sure Mike will be out there ALL weekend; he even wants to stay out there on Saturday night. I, of course, have to work all weekend. :/ So I won't really get to participate in the 'festivities' of the weekend. Maybe I'll get a few pictures in. I'm horrible about taking pictures, but wish I had more.

I haven't sewn a thing this week. I went to the fabric store to find fabric for the previous mentioned Christmas present. Well, they don't have it and aren't planning on carrying it. DARN! Well, I have my heart set on it, so I'm going to have to order it online. Too bad I can't order the yardage until later this month. That's how new this fabric line is! Since I have to wait on the fabric, I'm either going to start my Christmas table runner or try my hand at a purse. If I go with the purse, I have to work with interfacing, which I've never done. I've been researching it online, but if anyone reading this has any hints for fusible interfacing, I'm all ears!

Happy Labor Day weekend. Enjoy you're 3-days off and think of me.


Kris said...

I have made a few bags, I have been using fusible fleece, it only gives it a little extra stiffenss...I am pretty happy with it though. Very easy to use, just steam iron it on.
By the way, where do you buy fabric?

Kristi said...

I hope the interfacing will work well. :)

I buy fabric at the local shop, "The Hickory Stick Quilt Shop". We don't really have anything else here.

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