the past few days

Friday, September 18, 2009

This is what my last two days have consisted of....I had a really bad cold. Wednesday my body was just so aching - I hate that feeling. Now, I feel a lot better, but my nose is still running like crazy. I'm glad I've been off work since Tuesday because I probably would've called in on Wednesday. I hope I'm feeling even better tomorrow, since we are going on our anniversary camping trip. :)

I start my new job on Monday. I hope I don't still sound sick, since my job is talking to people on the phone. I'm ready to start something new! Too bad I'm working at BB&B the whole weekend, so Monday is going to start a 12 day work streak (at least). I'm not really looking forward to that. :/

I'm so excited to get our anniversary cake out of the freezer today! I still can't believe it has been a year. I really hope it tastes good. I have high hopes for this cake. The lady that made our cake makes a separate anniversary cake, so we actually served the entire cake at the wedding. Since a professional sealed the cake, I'm thinking it won't be stale, but we'll see. :)


Anne said...

I hope your cake tastes good too. It's such a fun tradition. But don't get your hopes up too much!! Both my sister and I each loved our wedding cakes the day of but a year later it was a much different story! Maybe you guys are better at freezing things than we are. One can hope!!
Happy Anniversary!

Sarah said...

What was in the big box????

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