gobble gobble

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Okay, so I know it's not November, but I wanted to show off my harvest table runner. The fabric is gobble gobble by Sandy Gervais for Moda fabrics. I love Moda! I'm really happy with the way it turned out. I really enjoyed the fabric, so cute! With this being only my second table runner {and quilting project}, I feel like it turned out so much better than the first. I feel like my sewing has improved so much.

I went to the Hannibal quilting guild meeting last night. I'm glad I went, but I was a little nervous walking in. I was definitely the youngest person there. There was one lady that looked to be in her mid-thirties, but the rest were 55+ { a lot of the ladies were probably 70+ }. It was a really positive experience, they were all really nice to the "guests" and made me feel welcome. I'm going to so to the meeting next month and then decide if it's something I want to join.

Oh, here is the final product of my first table runner. I've shown the topper before, but that was before it was quilted and bound. I'm pretty proud of myself with this one. There are some mistakes, but like my mother in law told me, "people don't see those flaws unless you point them out." This fabric is sweet by Urban Chiks for Moda. {are you seeing a trend with my moda obsession.....}

***This is my 100th post! I made it! :)


cass said...

very nice job Kristi!

Kristi said...

Thanks Cass!

Kris said...

Those are great! I love that pattern too :)

Kristi said...

Thanks! I really like this pattern too. I know I need to find a new one, but this one's so simple. :)

Becca said...

WAy to go!!Only your second attempt!!!Way impressed!

Thanks for joining in on the "Falling" for Fall fun over on Blue Cricket Design! Please add the button if you get a chance!

Erin said...

Kristi- I'm in Missouri and only life about an hour from Hannibal. I love their little fabric shop down there. I love the whole town because they have so many cute little hidden shops! Your table runner is awesome! I love it. I just looked at some at a craft show and none were as nice as this one!

Kristi said...

Erin- Thanks so much for your kind words. I love the fabric store too. I live close enough to it that I can walk, and that is just too dangerous. :)

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