wasps & spiders & fainting, oh my!

Friday, August 14, 2009

We have wasps again. I really don't know what the deal is. I know we live in a super old house, so there's going to be a hole in a wall somewhere, but still- this is getting ridiculous. I've already killed 2 wasps this morning. We don't have the windows open, so it can't be the screens. I really want to say something to the landlords, but Mike doesn't think it's a big deal.

I have recently found some spiders as well. I really don't understand.... It has to be this old house. In some of our rooms the base board doesn't touch the floor in places and I've seen them come out of that little crack. Again, I don't know what to do about them; I need to go and investigate what kind of sprays are out there I guess. We have a basic spray, but I want to get these guys gone FOREVER!

Sorry to bug you all with this problem (pun intended). It's not really the most exciting thing, but it's what's going on in our lives.

Tonight we are going to 'Down by the River' (remember...I fainted at the last one). I'm a little nervous, just because people are going to be asking about the fainting spell. I'm sure we'll have a good time, and I will be bringing some water along. :)


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