silly anniversaries

Monday, November 9, 2009

This weekend was the 5th anniversary of Mike and my's first kiss!

I'm such a sap.... I try to remember all these little moments of our life together. I always remind him and he rolls his eyes at me (not in a mean way, just a "I can't believe you remember these things" kind of way), kisses me and says "happy anniversary". It always brings a smile to my face. :)

At the end of this month, we will have been officially together for 5 years. half a decade. That is just crazy to me. Time sure flies by and I doubt it will ever slow down.


Erin said...

haha...I always remember the little ones too. First date, first kiss, first birthday celebration...etc. Our first kiss anniv. was actually Nov. 5th, and it was our 5 year too!

Kristi said...

what a coincidence! Happy anniversary to you as well then. :)

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