work in progress

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Didn't know if anyone wanted to see my Christmas table runner. So this is my 3rd table runner, and yes, it's the same pattern. After I finish this one I'm going to spread my wings and try another pattern. I'm just comfortable with this one and I know how much fabric I need for it, so I can buy fabric on a whim for it. :P

The fabric is Figgy Pudding by Basic Grey for Moda

I love charm packs!

All laid out.

In the progress of quilting.
Hopefully I'll get this project completed soon. I just ordered some fabric for some gifts I really need to get started on. I'm going to try to be the kind of "crafter" that only works on one project until it's complete and on to the next one. Let's see how long it lasts... :)


Since I've started my new job, my whole schedule is out of whack. I'm behind on laundry, dusting/vacuuming, dishes, etc. I used to be able to do chores before work every morning (since I didn't have to work until 10am) , but now I just don't have time in the morning. Then when I get home a little after 5, it's ready to make dinner. I'm confident that I can get a new schedule rolling once I'm done with BB&B (this Saturday!!), hopefully it will turn around next week.

Why is it when I have time to blog, I don't really have anything to say, but when I have things to share I don't have the time to write about's just a blogging catch-22 I guess.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009's officially Autumn! It happens almost a one week from the solstice. I'm loving this weather! I love it when it's cool enough to have the windows shut but still warm enough not to turn on the furnace. Now that our windows are shut, I'm sleeping so much better. Since we live basically right on the Mississippi (there's about 200 yards, trees and a railroad between us-I think that's "right on" the river) , we constantly hear train and barge horns. Now there is at least a barrier of windows between us.

Well it's time to go to work this morning. Time to go look like Madonna - the "cool" microphone headset, sans the cone bra. :)

a whole week

Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm still here! Sorry I left my readers (all 3 of them :) ) hanging this week. This has probably been the busiest week I've had in Missouri. My new job, which I'm really enjoying, is going great! So here is a real quick recap of the week:

Camping was a blast! I really enjoyed the calmness/laziness of camping. We went on a 2 mile trail around a lake at the state park, but when we went around to the edge of the lake, we were walking right next to a soy bean field. That's just not what I want to see on a nature hike, you know? So we decided against more hiking. We finally got to use our cast iron dutch oven. It was really neat cooking over the fire. I will have to say it was a little difficult controlling the heat, but our chili was delicious. It rained on Sunday morning, so that kind of stunk, but over all we had a great anniversary trip.

Making chili with the spurtle!

Breakfast: part 1 (part 2 was eggs, bacon and hash browns)

happy campers!

We had our anniversary cake on Sunday night after a great steak dinner. The cake was really good, as good as on our wedding day. The only thing was there was a TON of icing on it. I'm thinking she did this to protect the cake from a year in the freezer, because our wedding day cake didn't have that much on it.

The green icing sort of faded to gray, but our strawberry swirl cake was perfect!

So I'm sure all of you are curious about what was in the big box, right???? Well, this dear husband of mine MADE me a pasta dryer. I've been looking at them online, but he made me one! I like this one so much more than him buying one. I love that he took the time to make it and I had no idea. Now I'll be able to make loads of pasta and dry them properly.

p.s. I got Mike tools for his gift. You can never go wrong with tools, right?

the past few days

Friday, September 18, 2009

This is what my last two days have consisted of....I had a really bad cold. Wednesday my body was just so aching - I hate that feeling. Now, I feel a lot better, but my nose is still running like crazy. I'm glad I've been off work since Tuesday because I probably would've called in on Wednesday. I hope I'm feeling even better tomorrow, since we are going on our anniversary camping trip. :)

I start my new job on Monday. I hope I don't still sound sick, since my job is talking to people on the phone. I'm ready to start something new! Too bad I'm working at BB&B the whole weekend, so Monday is going to start a 12 day work streak (at least). I'm not really looking forward to that. :/

I'm so excited to get our anniversary cake out of the freezer today! I still can't believe it has been a year. I really hope it tastes good. I have high hopes for this cake. The lady that made our cake makes a separate anniversary cake, so we actually served the entire cake at the wedding. Since a professional sealed the cake, I'm thinking it won't be stale, but we'll see. :)

i can breathe easy now

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I have found a new job! It's at a calling center here in Hannibal for catalog orders. I will be answering the phone when people call in to make a payment. It's not what I really what to do (what is that anyway?), but I'm very excited. It's a Monday - Friday, 8-5 kinda job!!! I'm still going to keep BB&B for at least a couple weeks to see how this job go, but I have a feeling I won't be working the Christmas season in retail. :)

This all has happened pretty quick - I got the call last night about 6 and I start next Monday. Mike and I kept talking about all the great things that come along with this job all night. We are going to have nights and weekends together, I'll be using less gas, I'll be payed more..... The night and weekends are priceless to me, I can't wait to be able to do what I want on the weekends and not have to ask off 3 weeks in advance.

Things are finally turning around, it's crazy how a new job can change everything.

a calm monday morning

Monday, September 14, 2009

I hate to say it, but I'm sort of glad the weekend is over. GASP! I know, but this weekend was a busy one for me. I just feel like I didn't have any down time. We had the last 'down by the river' on Friday night. Then on Saturday evening we had a wedding of one of Mike's co-workers. It was nice to see some of Mike's co-workers that I haven't seen since last years Christmas party.

T minus 4 days until our anniversary camping trip. :) I'm getting really excited about it. I just want to relax with my husband by the fire, toasting s'mores. What more can a girl ask for??? I'm trying to get the menu made up in the next couple days. I pretty much know what I want to make (chili in the cast iron dutch oven), but I'm thinking about trying a new recipe.

Speaking of the anniversary, here is one of my presents from Mike. He told me he's going to wrap it. I was also told not to touch it, and I haven't. I just wonder what the heck it is?!?!? Any guesses? (not jewelry, obviously) :(

mail call

Friday, September 11, 2009

I just got home from my haircut and was welcomed home with surprises in the mail box! I received my etsy order - I'm so excited to get this. I ordered some fabric I can't find anywhere anymore. Since I'm still new with this whole fabric/sewing thing, I'm not sure if fabrics are only out for like a year and then they "retire" or if you can always get them. I fell in love with these so I jumped at the chance to own them.

Isn't the packaging cute?!

I ordered the 3 flower fabrics; they're from Amy Butler's line, Midwest Modern. I even got a free scrap of fabric with mermaids on it. It's really cute and it's the beginning of my 'scrap' drawer. You never know when you'll use scraps. My plans for the fabric are tentatively purses. I say tentative because you never know when a new pattern is going to come along. :)

Along with my fabrics I got 2 new magazines, and the new Crate and Barrel catalog. It was a awesome surprise and the best part - NO BILLS. :)

productive day

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I had yesterday off work. wahoo! I was nice to just do things around the house. Mike had a few things to do out in the garage, so I decided to piece together the top of my Christmas table runner. I got to thinking about how nice it was that we both could do our own projects at the same house. B.M. (before marriage), I would have to go back to my place if I needed to do something and visa versa. I know it's silly to think about after almost a year of living together (it's like a 'duh' moment). But this was the first time we both got something completely different accomplished. It's still neat/new to me that I get to live with this amazing man.

We had some friends over last night for dinner. We had a really nice time, dinner and Skip-Bo. :) Mike and Brad played horseyballs while Lindsey and I chatted in the kitchen. I'm so glad we have found a couple that the guys get along, the girls get along and the four of us have a great time together.

We've made a decision on what we are doing for our anniversary --CAMPING. We are going to Wakonda State Park. It's about 40 minutes north of us (in Missouri). I'm glad we will finally be putting our wedding gifts to use. We received a new tent, new stove, dutch oven, lantern, etc. It seems very fitting to be using them on our 1st anniversary, right? Now I'm putting together lists so we don't forget anything....

busy weekend ahead

Friday, September 4, 2009

This weekend is going to be busy. Mike's cousin and his girlfriend (Jake & Amanda) are in town from Indiana. This is basically a repeat of Memorial Day weekend, Mike's aunt, uncle and other cousin (Pam, Bill and Laura) will be out at their farm as well. I'm sure Mike will be out there ALL weekend; he even wants to stay out there on Saturday night. I, of course, have to work all weekend. :/ So I won't really get to participate in the 'festivities' of the weekend. Maybe I'll get a few pictures in. I'm horrible about taking pictures, but wish I had more.

I haven't sewn a thing this week. I went to the fabric store to find fabric for the previous mentioned Christmas present. Well, they don't have it and aren't planning on carrying it. DARN! Well, I have my heart set on it, so I'm going to have to order it online. Too bad I can't order the yardage until later this month. That's how new this fabric line is! Since I have to wait on the fabric, I'm either going to start my Christmas table runner or try my hand at a purse. If I go with the purse, I have to work with interfacing, which I've never done. I've been researching it online, but if anyone reading this has any hints for fusible interfacing, I'm all ears!

Happy Labor Day weekend. Enjoy you're 3-days off and think of me.

gobble gobble

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Okay, so I know it's not November, but I wanted to show off my harvest table runner. The fabric is gobble gobble by Sandy Gervais for Moda fabrics. I love Moda! I'm really happy with the way it turned out. I really enjoyed the fabric, so cute! With this being only my second table runner {and quilting project}, I feel like it turned out so much better than the first. I feel like my sewing has improved so much.

I went to the Hannibal quilting guild meeting last night. I'm glad I went, but I was a little nervous walking in. I was definitely the youngest person there. There was one lady that looked to be in her mid-thirties, but the rest were 55+ { a lot of the ladies were probably 70+ }. It was a really positive experience, they were all really nice to the "guests" and made me feel welcome. I'm going to so to the meeting next month and then decide if it's something I want to join.

Oh, here is the final product of my first table runner. I've shown the topper before, but that was before it was quilted and bound. I'm pretty proud of myself with this one. There are some mistakes, but like my mother in law told me, "people don't see those flaws unless you point them out." This fabric is sweet by Urban Chiks for Moda. {are you seeing a trend with my moda obsession.....}

***This is my 100th post! I made it! :)