we're back

Saturday, June 27, 2009

We have had a long last couple of days. We drove Thursday night for the funeral on Friday morning, then drove right back Friday afternoon because I had to work this morning and I really wanted to try and work as much as possible this week. I'm really glad we made the trip back for the funeral though. I was definitely sad, but Mike needed to go. There was a very nice service, and tons of bikers there. I think Mike was a little disappointed for not showing up on a bike. We just didn't want to trailer his back for just one day.

We made it back at a pretty good time last night. I was so nice just relaxing at home for a night. I didn't even cook; we went to El Rodeo for lunch and both had leftovers so we just reheated that. Oh how I love Mexican food! I could probably eat it 3-4 times a week and not get sick of it.


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