it's june...already?!?!

Monday, June 1, 2009

I seriously cannot believe it's June. Where did May go?

One thing that is very surprising is we STILL haven't turned on the air conditioning. Can you believe it? I can't. If you know me, you know 1) I'm a city girl and 2) I'm a air conditioning girl. I always complained about the heat as a child. I spent the summers inside where I could watch cooking shows/infomercials in the in the comfort of my cool living room. Now, I'm not saying much has changed, except there's something about this house. It has ceiling fans in every room, except the dining room, and our front windows are completely shaded by our front porch. I've never lived anywhere with shaded windows, but the air is cooler when it comes in from them.

I wonder how long it will last...


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