ashley's wedding weekend

Monday, June 15, 2009

We had a great weekend back home. It all started out with a bonfire at our friends house. We stayed with them, and it was really nice that they planned a impromptu get together so we could see most of Mike's friends all at once. It would of been hard to see everyone individually. We were able to enjoy some Arni's that night too! YUM! I also went to the liquor store, and the clerk had to look in a book to see if my Missouri license was a fake. He couldn't find my style of license, but he goes "I guess it's okay." I was buying 1-six pack of Mike's Hard Lemonade, and I must be underage, right???? I should start drinking something more "adult" I guess.

We had a really good time at the bonfire, but we were up REALLY late; until 2:45 AM. I don't think I've stayed up that late in 2 years, at least. I was exhausted the next morning but we had to get up and eat breakfast at a good time, because we were meeting Mike's family for lunch. It was really nice to see his mom.

We then went to Ashley's Wedding!!!! It was such a beautiful wedding and it was great to see everyone. One of my favorite high school teachers, Mrs. Wilson, even read scripture during the ceremony. I do feel bad that we had to leave the reception early, but we were just so exhausted from the night before.

Two great ladies, Brooke and Marlene

The bride and groom, Ashley and Michael

MRS. WILSON!!! She did a great job.

They're married!

The were nice to each other, dang! :)

I can't wait for them to visit!

On Sunday, we had a pretty lazy morning and afternoon. Katie and I went to Borders and I got to buy books!! We then met the guys for lunch at El Rodeo. I miss good Mexican food. I'm sure the restaurants around here are good, we just haven't really explored them.

Mike are I got to spend some time with my parents before we left. We got to give my Dad his Father's Day gift, since we aren't going back next weekend. It was nice to just relax at their house before we had to hit the road.


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