the week ahead

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hannibal does the 4th of July right. There is a big celebration starting on the 1st and things don't stop until the 5th. It's called Tom Sawyer Days. They have a Tom and Becky look-a-like contest, a fence painting contest, concerts, beer gardens, a parade, a mud volleyball tournament, carnival rides, and of course fireworks. Mike wants to partake in the beer garden (surprise!) and I really want to watch the fence painting contest.

I have to work all weekend, but I'm hoping we can still do the stuff we want.

we're back

Saturday, June 27, 2009

We have had a long last couple of days. We drove Thursday night for the funeral on Friday morning, then drove right back Friday afternoon because I had to work this morning and I really wanted to try and work as much as possible this week. I'm really glad we made the trip back for the funeral though. I was definitely sad, but Mike needed to go. There was a very nice service, and tons of bikers there. I think Mike was a little disappointed for not showing up on a bike. We just didn't want to trailer his back for just one day.

We made it back at a pretty good time last night. I was so nice just relaxing at home for a night. I didn't even cook; we went to El Rodeo for lunch and both had leftovers so we just reheated that. Oh how I love Mexican food! I could probably eat it 3-4 times a week and not get sick of it.

a friend lost

Monday, June 22, 2009

While Mike was out camping on Saturday, I received a very sad phone call. Mike's friend, Chase Hill past away that afternoon. Mike graduated high school with him, but I think they really became friends when they both got Harleys. Mike rode with Chase and his dad quite often when we lived in Lafayette. Sadly, Chase died in a motorcycle accident. He had a rider on the back of the bike; she's in the hospital in critical condition. Hopefully she makes a speedy recovery.

This really hits home. First, a young life was lost-I think it's really hard when someone your age passes away. Secondly, it was on a Harley- Mike loves to ride; I'm not sure if this accident will make him nervous, but it makes me. I know there are motorcycle accidents everyday, but when it happens to someone you know, it really makes you think.

Mike and I decided we will be coming back to Lafayette for the funeral. I'm glad people at work understand, because we don't know when the funeral will be yet but someone is able to cover all of my shifts. So whenever it is, I know we can go.

Please keep his family and friends in your thoughts.

we caved...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

We finally turned the air conditioning on last night for the first time. I am very proud of myself, for lasting this long. I would like it to be known that it was Mike who actually caved and I just agreed to turn it on. :)

I'm casually looking at places to go camping this summer. I want it so be around an attraction so we have something to do. I'm hoping we can go at least once this summer and maybe another time in early fall. I really want to go on a few mini vacations, but I know that just won't be possible with my retail job. I can't have every weekend off, even though I wish for that day everyday.

my husband

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On our drive back to Missouri Sunday, we did something we've never done before.....we didn't turn the radio on. For 4.5 hours we talked and it was awesome. Sure we had a few minutes of comfortable silence, but for the most part we talked. Actually, I was driving, so Mike was the one doing most of the talking, which is so not him. He's pretty quiet for the most part; he says what he needs to say and that's it. We talked about anything and everything basically.

Something completely unrelated to what I just wrote: I finally received my birthday present from Mike. Yes, my birthday was at the end of April, but it's the thought that counts. I got it about a week and a half ago, and he really surprised me. He got me a smart shopper! I know some people out there may think this is a boring gift, but it was something I asked for for Christmas, and he remembered!! That's the amazing part of it; he doesn't remember what we ate 2 days ago, but he remembered something I asked for last November. So we've been making a shopping list all week and we finally went to the grocery last night and were able to try out the new list. It worked amazingly; everything categorized and we were able to just go down what aisles we needed.

ashley's wedding weekend

Monday, June 15, 2009

We had a great weekend back home. It all started out with a bonfire at our friends house. We stayed with them, and it was really nice that they planned a impromptu get together so we could see most of Mike's friends all at once. It would of been hard to see everyone individually. We were able to enjoy some Arni's that night too! YUM! I also went to the liquor store, and the clerk had to look in a book to see if my Missouri license was a fake. He couldn't find my style of license, but he goes "I guess it's okay." I was buying 1-six pack of Mike's Hard Lemonade, and I must be underage, right???? I should start drinking something more "adult" I guess.

We had a really good time at the bonfire, but we were up REALLY late; until 2:45 AM. I don't think I've stayed up that late in 2 years, at least. I was exhausted the next morning but we had to get up and eat breakfast at a good time, because we were meeting Mike's family for lunch. It was really nice to see his mom.

We then went to Ashley's Wedding!!!! It was such a beautiful wedding and it was great to see everyone. One of my favorite high school teachers, Mrs. Wilson, even read scripture during the ceremony. I do feel bad that we had to leave the reception early, but we were just so exhausted from the night before.

Two great ladies, Brooke and Marlene

The bride and groom, Ashley and Michael

MRS. WILSON!!! She did a great job.

They're married!

The were nice to each other, dang! :)

I can't wait for them to visit!

On Sunday, we had a pretty lazy morning and afternoon. Katie and I went to Borders and I got to buy books!! We then met the guys for lunch at El Rodeo. I miss good Mexican food. I'm sure the restaurants around here are good, we just haven't really explored them.

Mike are I got to spend some time with my parents before we left. We got to give my Dad his Father's Day gift, since we aren't going back next weekend. It was nice to just relax at their house before we had to hit the road.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

If you didn't figure it out from the last post, we are going to Lafayette this weekend for my friend, Ashley's wedding. It will be nice to see everyone we get to see. It's always hard trying to fit everyone in. Especially this time, because one of the nights is going to be spent at the wedding. Don't misunderstand me, I can't wait for the wedding, but it just makes it harder to see everyone.

The last couple times I've went back, I didn't go to Borders to visit, so I am definitely making an appearance there this weekend. I may possibly get to buy a couple books! Since there are NO bookstores around here, I'm very excited to just roam around Borders and just get lost in the books.

I'm still trying to finish up my table runner. I really wanted it to be done so I can show it off this weekend at home. Hopefully it's completed soon, I may even finish the binding during the car ride.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I've come to realize procrastinators should not move away from family and friends, because all your cards and shipped items will never arrive on time.

I wanted to ship something to Lafayette for a bachlorette party I will be missing, and I just ran out of time to do it. And I don't want to pay extra shipping for the package to make it on time. So I guess I'm cheap procrastinator!!!

I'm bummed I won't be able to enjoy in the festivities, but at least we're coming to the wedding. I'm pretty excited to go to this wedding, 1) it's Ashley's wedding, 2) it's the first wedding Mike and I are going to after we got married. I wonder if it will feel different, knowing what the bride is going through, etc. I hope they have a married couple dance at their reception, even though we won't be dancing for very long (almost 9 months and counting!).

sewing hurts

Monday, June 8, 2009

We had a pretty relaxing/boring weekend. Mike was very productive though, his 4-wheel drive was broke on his four wheeler, so he figured it out and was able to fix it. He's going on a guys weekend in 2 weeks where they are camping and four wheeling; so he started to put all his camping stuff together. I can't wait until we go camping, just the two of us. I haven't been since I was a kid, but we got all this new camping stuff for our wedding, and we're ready to get some use out of all of it. I figure it a cheap way for us to site see in our area this summer. Since we're still pretty new around here, we really want to explore Missouri and maybe southern Iowa.

I had to work last night, but I sewed all afternoon. My objective was to get my table runner quilted, and I got half of it done. I also got stuck with the pins about a bi-zillion times. It hurt! I finished the quilting today, and hopefully with start the binding and possibly finish tonight or tomorrow.

eek...a mouse!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

We had a mouse at work when the store first opened. But I had never seen it and everyone stopped talking about it in the beginning of March or so; and I completely forgot about it. BAD THING TO DO KRISTI!! So I was working Monday night and went into the back receiving area and guess what comes out from under the shelving about 2 feet in front of me....a mouse! Now, I am scared to death of mice. Let me rephrase that, I am scared of stepping on them and them running near my feet. Neither of these things have actually ever happened to me and I never want them to. So when I saw this mouse I kind of yelped and gasped, then I tried to page a manager in the calmest voice possible (b/c I didn't want customers knowing a mouse was there). The manager was just like, "oh, okay"; they didn't care at all. Ugh! Luckily, I was working with a girl who was not scared of mice what so ever, so she was nice enough to get anything I needed from the back room for the rest of the night. I'm such a baby....

Tonight we're going to our friends house for dinner. I love how we just rotate having each other over for dinner. It's the cheapest way to visit, and both Lindsay and I enjoy cooking. I'm bringing dessert, Tiramisu! I'll put in on the cooking blog soon. I love making this dessert, but I NEED to make with for at least a small crowd, because we do not need the whole thing sitting around our house. I'm sure I could cut the recipe in half; I may do that next time I'm craving it!

Oh, my walking foot for my sewing machine got here yesterday! So hopefully I will put my nose to the grindstone this weekend and finish my table runner. Wish me luck! :)

it's june...already?!?!

Monday, June 1, 2009

I seriously cannot believe it's June. Where did May go?

One thing that is very surprising is we STILL haven't turned on the air conditioning. Can you believe it? I can't. If you know me, you know 1) I'm a city girl and 2) I'm a air conditioning girl. I always complained about the heat as a child. I spent the summers inside where I could watch cooking shows/infomercials in the in the comfort of my cool living room. Now, I'm not saying much has changed, except there's something about this house. It has ceiling fans in every room, except the dining room, and our front windows are completely shaded by our front porch. I've never lived anywhere with shaded windows, but the air is cooler when it comes in from them.

I wonder how long it will last...