last weekend of freedom

Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's another gorgeous Saturday. It's 62 degrees, and it's only 11:30 AM. The Internet says it's supposed to only get up to 65, but I think it may get close to 70!!

This is our last weekend before I start work. We don't really do a lot on the weekends, but it's nice to have two straight days with Mike. I only have two weeks of my schedule, and all the shifts are opening ( 8-5)! I hope I don't jinx myself in saying this. :) I do have to work Saturday mornings, but this gives Mike some time alone in the house. Since we've moved here, I'm always home with him. The first time he was alone in the house was when I had my second interview a couple weeks ago, and it was only for about an hour.


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