jeans shopping

Sunday, February 15, 2009

We had a pretty good Valentine's Day. We started the day out with a couple games of bowling. Mike and I haven't been bowling since we got married, and we used to go once a month for Lindstrom family bowling. I won the first game and Mike won the second; we had a lot of fun.

After bowling, Mike got his first taste of jeans shopping with a girl. :) He couldn't believe the price difference between men's and women's jean. It took about 4 stores, but I found some jeans. I normally buy my jeans from Old Navy, but Hannibal doesn't have one. Quincy does, but we were trying not to take the drive there and save the gas.

We then rented a couple of movies and ordered a pizza; which was a real treat! Since I got out of cooking dinner, I wanted to make dessert. It was really good!


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