missing in action...for over 2 years

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Hello - My name is Kristi and I blog deserter...

I can't believe it's been over two years since I last sat down and type about our lives. I feel like everything has changed and nothing has at the same time. One of the best life changes that can happen, did. Mike and I were lucky enough to have a little boy, Jack, in April 2014 (my birthday to be exact!!). It was a long road to parenthood for us. Maybe I'll do an entire post on this soon, if anyone wants to hear the story. Really, I need to write it no matter what, for Jack.
our new office space.

While we continue to make changes on our house, we are just now finishing up the biggest remodel we have ever tackled...the kitchen. I'm actually typing this on a brand new iMac on my brand new kitchen "office area".  We've had the plans for this for 5 years. And 5 years it took to save, save, save. It's my dream kitchen. I absolutely love to cook and bake. I hope to start sharing some of my favorite recipes on here as well. I used to be apart of a group cooking blog, but it just sort of stopped about 4 years ago.

I can't promise anything for the future for this blog. But I would love to post one a week - that would be the dream. With working full-time in operations at a bank, Jack,  a very small etsy shoppe, and just life in general; we will see where this blog can be squeezed in...


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