
Monday, March 7, 2011

We've been working on this Master Bedroom Remodel for 4 weeks-ish. I'm very proud of Mike and all his work. I love having a handy husband! I know I keep saying that, but it's true - I would have to be worried about what he is doing or second guessing him. I know it'll be great because he's doing it.

I would of loved to be a little farther on it, but life still goes on. We still need to go to the grocery, work out, keep the house semi-tidy. I wish I was able to help more, but I know I couldn't do some things as well as he. I know my help will come with painting, and prepping the trim wood.

Anyway, if you don't follow me on facebook, here's some new pictures!

the wall coming down.
goodbye second door!

Mike in the attic, drilling for the electrical.
Mike and Roscoe standing on the bathroom side. Mike is in the bathroom door, Roscoe (right) is in our built in area.
Dry walling the ceiling with a drywall jack! Great machine!
The closet side, ready for mudding. Again the hole on the left is for a built in! I love built ins! :)
Bathroom side with drywall.
Mike just got done with the first coat of mud this weekend. On to sanding!


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