hardwood redo

Friday, March 25, 2011

We met with our floor re finisher this past Wednesday. He is really nice and definitely knows what he's doing - he gave us straight forward answers on how we were going to re finish 2,200 square feet of red oak hardwood floors. It's going to be a process during this next year or so.

And we start this MONDAY!

I can't believe the first step of re doing our floors will be complete next week. :) He will be doing our new bedroom and our dining room. I can't wait! I figured it would take a few weeks to get in his schedule, and he said it would be done by Wednesday. That means we can start on our trim next week and pretty much move in, with the exception of the 2 built ins and new windows.

One of the biggest blessings, is that we don't have to be out of the house at all. We were really worried about that. It would of made the cost a lot higher if you add a pet friendly hotel in to the works.

Here are some before shots of what this guy has to fix and make beautiful: 

This is in the new bedroom. The lines on the right are where the wall was that we took down. Beautifully centered in this photo is a very large stain that I would be okay with never seeing again.

This is in the new closet. These grooves are where the old closet walls were (yes, we are totally upgrading the closet!) Luckily, we have extra flooring from the new bathroom that we are tearing out, so the floor guy will be putting that in to fill these spaces for no extra charge!  
I'm so ready for some after shots!! I guess I just have to wait......

bedroom update

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I missed out on National Quilting Day on this past Sunday to do some painting with my dad. My parents came to visit us and we put them right to work on the bedroom and closet.

to do list for the weekend
prime ceilings and walls in bedroom and closet
paint ceiling in bedroom and closet
paint closet 
paint bedroom

All was completed! I love the feeling of accomplishment. My dad was a great help with the painting, I think sometimes he missed his calling as a painter. My mom was a great help keeping the house in tacked - did my dishes, watched Abe.....and just visited - Thanks MOM and DAD!

I seriously feel is love with our bedroom paint color! I'm so glad we picked it - Mark Twain looks good on my walls. :) I can't wait to start on the trim, so the room looks finished, so to speak.

Dad and I priming the ceiling.

the closet done! sorry it's so dusty.
Dad aka my trimmer. :)

view from the closet door.

look! no second door to the bedroom!

our new fan!
 We are having the floor re finishers come this afternoon to take a look at the floors. Hopefully they will be done in the next couple weeks - we are on their schedule now.

dust and such

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I never knew we would acquire soooo much DUST during this remodel. Now don't get me wrong, I knew it was going to be dirty, just not this dusty.

the hallway side of our door closure.
Maybe I'm surprised because I've never really been around drywall. My parents did a remodel of their kitchen and dining room about 13+ years ago, but it was contracted out. Maybe they were just really clean contractors or maybe I just didn't notice. Who knows.

The whole reason dust came to mind this morning is Mike sanded the first coat of mud on the walls. He's going to buy a ceiling sanding this evening and finish taping the corners as well.

you almost can't tell there was a door. I can't wait for paint!
the new closet!
It's hard to get a picture of the new closet for a couple of reasons:
  1. It's a smaller area.
  2. There's no light in there at this point.
  3. You probably wouldn't know what you are looking at.
For those of you that have been here to visit, the new dry wall on the right is where our old closet used to be.

As you can see, we have a window in our new closet. I'm still not sure how I feel about this. We did it for a few reasons:

  1. It was the best place for a new closet.
  2. We weren't going to remove it and make the outside of the house look weird.
  3. We centered the door way with the window so, if we want, we can leave the door open and get some light.
After weighing the pros and cons, we put the window in the closet. But I still think it's weird!!

This picture above is of the hallway side of the door closure. Yes, I know I'm behind on my de-wallpapering. I hate wallpaper. I think the only reason people put wallpaper up is because they know they won't be the ones removing it, they just move. There are a lot of trendy/neat wallpapers out right now that I love, but no! I won't do it. I won't be that person that does that to the future owners of this house.

Anyway, once the bedroom is done, we have to start on the upstairs hallway/downstairs entry. I don't want to look a this for 6 months. There is going to be some time when Mike is working on his projects that are only for him, like our built ins and making our new bed. So I'm sure I'll be doing some work on this hallway while that's underway.

Thanks for looking at my mess of a house right now. Maybe it made you feel a little better about our home. :)


Monday, March 7, 2011

We've been working on this Master Bedroom Remodel for 4 weeks-ish. I'm very proud of Mike and all his work. I love having a handy husband! I know I keep saying that, but it's true - I would have to be worried about what he is doing or second guessing him. I know it'll be great because he's doing it.

I would of loved to be a little farther on it, but life still goes on. We still need to go to the grocery, work out, keep the house semi-tidy. I wish I was able to help more, but I know I couldn't do some things as well as he. I know my help will come with painting, and prepping the trim wood.

Anyway, if you don't follow me on facebook, here's some new pictures!

the wall coming down.
goodbye second door!

Mike in the attic, drilling for the electrical.
Mike and Roscoe standing on the bathroom side. Mike is in the bathroom door, Roscoe (right) is in our built in area.
Dry walling the ceiling with a drywall jack! Great machine!
The closet side, ready for mudding. Again the hole on the left is for a built in! I love built ins! :)
Bathroom side with drywall.
Mike just got done with the first coat of mud this weekend. On to sanding!