mark twain

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We just can't seem to get away from this guy! He's everywhere!

It's amazing how this one man could change everything in Missouri. He was born in Florida, MO but then lived in Hannibal until he was an adult. That's why the house in Hannibal is just called his boyhood home. ;) Hannibal provided the setting for Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. With Mike and I living in Hannibal for a little over a year, we totally got our helping of Mark Twain - everything was named Twain this, and Huck that (gas stations, strip malls, taxi companies).....I was happy to move away and be done with Mark Twain.

But he followed us to Rolla....

Our new little town is surrounded by this little thing called The Mark Twain National Forest. Everyone assumes Mike works there because he's a forester. We always has to correct them because he just works for the state, uh hello, national is in the name of the forest.  Once we have children, we live in the district where their first school will guessed it! Mark Twain Elementary School. :)

So, when Mike and I were thinking about redoing our bedroom, we obviously talked about color. I got a new duvet and sham set from pottery barn (still in it's packaging, it's waiting for the new room) for my last birthday and I wanted to pull a neutral color out of it. We settled on a gray. Side note, what is the difference in the two spellings of gray/grey. I never understood that. Gray is very popular now, so I knew there would a ton of pictures in magazines to help with the choice of gray. But really, no such luck. So, just this past weekend we were in Lowe's, our home away from home, and I found myself in front of "the wall of paint" and I just picked a gray, then went and found our trim color (valspar's Dove White) and showed them to Mike together. He and I both loved it. Yay, we agreed on the first gray I picked. :) And wouldn't you know what it's called.........Mark Twain House Ombre Gray!! We both just looked at each other and Mike said, "well, the name definitely fits us!"


Anonymous said...

Very nicely written. Love reading all the details!

Kristi said...

thanks mom!

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