question: where are you going on vacation?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

answer: weddings.....

Since I started my new job at the bank after the new year, I was only given 5 vacation days for the year. I wouldn't have been a big deal, but we have 4 weddings this summer/fall....all in Indiana, which is now 6.5 hours away. So all my days off are being used for the Fridays before the weddings. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE weddings, it's just I don't really love using all my vacation on them. :) Our first one is in a couple weeks, but where it gets tricky is September; we have a wedding and then a reception in Indiana, then a reception in Missouri, and some where we HAVE to fit in our anniversary.

We had a chance to go to Michigan for Thanksgiving to see family. I used to always go there as a child/teen, but we haven't been in 6 years. So, I changed all my Fridays before weddings to half days, and we get to go! I'm really excited to take Mike where I celebrated as a kid. I guess my real "vacation" is going to be this Michigan trip. My great Aunt and Uncle we are visiting have lived in this old haunted Victorian home (yes, I said haunted) and they are going to retire next year and sell the place, so this is the last Thanksgiving there. It will be sad, but I'm glad to go one last time to really soak it all up.

As a kid, we had a vacation every year. It wasn't always a big one, but my Dad work's somewhere where there is a 2 week shutdown in July, so we always had time for one. I love vacations and really miss having one since being out on my own and now married . I know I was spoiled with this...Mike is doomed. :)


Anne said...

That is nice. We nearly never had vacations growing up, so I'm not missing anything, but I am eager to change that pattern! I know we won't be able to have one every year, but I definitely want to plan and budget for some here and there while our kids are with us (and maybe sometimes without them!!!).

Kristi said...

Vacations are the best! I'm sure you will enjoy many in the future with your family....and some with just your husband. :)

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