day of baking

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I have today off work, but not off of doing things. It's going to be a day of baking for me. I have to make cookies for Mike's lunches (and for me to munch on during the day....) and some granola bars for his breakfasts. I truly believe I have a spoiled husband! I do something nice for him like making homemade granola bars, and he will probably never let me buy pre-made ones again. :) With all joking aside, I do truly love to make him things. It's a great feeling when someone you love enjoys what you cooked for them. I love it when he tells me stories of him bragging about my cooking at work, it's the best.

I started a new book on Tuesday, "Julie and Julia" by Julie Powell. It's going to be a movie later this year, so I wanted to get it read before. It's about a woman who blogs her way through "Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Vol.1" by Julia Child. This memoir is more about her life (Julie's) not the recipes, and how it changed her. I'm really into, hopefully I get it done within a week.


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