ashley's bridal shower weekend

Monday, April 20, 2009

We are back home from our weekend in Lafayette. It was really nice to see everyone we got to see. As I predicted, we didn't get to see everyone and didn't get to spend enough time with everyone we got to see. We stayed at our friends, Matt and Katie's, which worked out really well, because Matt is who Mike wanted to spend most of his time with.

Our weekend started off with breakfast with Mike's family. I was really nice to just go to Mike's mom's house and have a relaxing morning. After breakfast, Mike went to help his sister move, and Reena and I got a quick trip to the quilt store in. I've been wanting to make a spring-like table runner and this was the perfect time to find the fabric.

Isn't this perfect for spring?!?!

My favorite!

After the fabric store, I went to my friend Ashley's bridal shower. I was really excited for a few reasons. First, I got to see Ashley, Marlene and Brooke. Second, it was a bridal shower. Third, it's my first shower after my shower. I'm still very excited about all things bride/wedding.

She's opening my present!

Brooke, Ashley(the bride!), Marlene, and me

After the shower, I got to hang out with the girls some more, which was great. But the real exciting part is I got to see Squirt and Johnnie, Marlene's cats. Well, they were mine too, but when I got married and moved away, we decided they would stay with Mar. I miss them so much. I had such a good time with the girls! I'm so glad I got to see them for as long as I did.

Sunday was a pretty lazy day. Mike spent the day with his friends having a good time on the Four Wheeler's. I got to hang out with my friend Katie and her son Braden. He's 2 years old and getting so big. I can't believe how big he has got just from January. But I guess that's what kids do. We spent Sunday evening hanging out with my parents. It was nice to just relax and chat with them.


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