
Monday, December 15, 2008

I was so glad Mike got out of training a couple hours early on Friday, so he made it home at a decent hour. I actually was able to make him a nice welcome home dinner.

Saturday way pretty uneventful, but it was nice. We we able to have a nice relaxing day together after not seeing each other for 5 days. I know that doesn't sound very long, but I got to thinking about it and that was the longest we hadn't seen each other since May 2005. We had only been dating about 6 months and Mike had a summer course in the U.P. of Michigan for 5 weeks. Anyway, I guess I better just get use to him being gone for a while. :/

Sunday, I clean the house a bit. We played some darts at home, which we haven't done since we've moved. It was really fun! I beat Mike twice too! I don't think I have ever won a game of darts against him, he said it was because he hadn't played in a while; I think it was just luck! We went out to lunch with his Aunt and Uncle who have a cabin right outside Hannibal. It was nice to see them, and we got to try a restaurant we hadn't been to before. It's called Fidddlesticks. It looks like a chain restaurant, but I had never heard of it before I moved here. I would say it's a cross between Bob Evans and Applebee's. I know that's a strange combo, but it was pretty good.

Well, today I need to do all Mike's laundry from his trip (I was holding off as long as I could), and finish up some online Christmas shopping! Have a good Monday!


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