Book Review | The Chilbury Ladies' Choir

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Rating: ★★ out of 5

This book had to grow on me. While I enjoyed the diary/letter format to see all points of view, I'm not sure the story is for me. The first half of the book was pretty slow and I wasn't sure where the rest of the book could take me, but then an event happened that did intrigue me.

This historical fiction book is set during world war II, in England, a hear before Pearl Harbor. It really wasn't about the war at all - it was about the ladies that were left behind. Mothers, wives, and children. It was an unique idea for a book, a side of the war I haven't really read.

I don't think I will be recommending this book to a friend. The reason for that is is this book just couldn't keep my attention. The book was pretty "event-less" in my opinion. There were a few plot lines that I did enjoy, but they weren't amazing. This was just a "meh" book. I have a hard time recommending books that leave me feeling this way.

I was given this book by Blogging for Books, in exchange for my honest review.

I was given this book by Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review.
I was given this book by Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review.I was given this book by Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review.