you can call me a new name....

Friday, April 22, 2011


Mike and I became first time Aunt and Uncle yesterday evening. :) Wyatt David came in to the world about 6:45 pm EST to proud parents, Roscoe and Katie.  He weighs 7lb 12 oz and is 21-1/4" long.

We are very excited to meet this little boy, I just don't know when that will be. See, he lives in North Carolina and we live in Missouri. :(

Luckily, we just got our iPad 2 at the beginning of April and they have a Mac as well, so we are able to do facetime (Mac Skype). So I am hoping to meet him "virtually" sometime this weekend-ish.

So a big Congratulations goes out to the whole family!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We are still working on trim.....

This past weekend we did make a lot of head way though. We placed the built-ins, installed the closet door frame, and put up about half of the base boards. No shoe molding yet.

progress. and you can REALLY tell I haven't painted that window trim.....yikes!
Now you finally have a picture of the built-ins. :) There are still some major changes in this built-in's future - the bottom two shelves are going to be in closed with cabinet doors (which aren't built yet.)

The arch over the top is all thanks to my dad. :) He was the one that pointed out to us that all our other built-ins (3) in the house have arches over them. Of course we knew this, but we would of never thought to add it to these two in the bedroom. I think it makes them look original and keeps with the character of the house. So a BIG thanks DAD!

a transformation

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

With all these before and after photos of the floors, I got to looking at all our house pictures. More specifically, the move-in ones. I can't believe the transformation our dining room has taken, and I adore it. I know it's not completely done - shoe molding needs to go down now that the floors are done, and I'm still searching for nic nacs for the built-ins.

This room has completely changed. Take a look!

on word - YUCK!

Now I know on the first photo I focused on the walls and the bottom photo I focused on the floors, but this is the same area of the dining room. It's weird to look at these together. Weird in a good way.

bedroom floors

Monday, April 11, 2011

We had the bedroom floors done the same time as the dining room - I'm just a little behind in my blogging. :)

We really like how the floors turned out in the bedroom; they are a little darker than the dining room, which is probably why I like them.

Here are some before and after shots of the space!

old closet space

you can't even tell what it used to be!
the entrance to the bedroom


i can't believe the difference!
Such character! Mike loves this center piece of wood - sadly, it's in the middle of the bedroom and will be covered by our bed...

Our sweet Abe approves! :)
Since the floors have been completed, I've been working on the trim and Mike's been building the 2 built-ins. The built-ins are done, except for the cabinet doors on the bottom. YAY! We worked really hard this past weekend, and got everything primed last night. It's such a good feeling to get paint on them. :) I get off work a little early today, so I get to start actually painting!   *The pictures will follow soon!*


Sunday, April 3, 2011

I'm so excited to show these babies off! I love how our floors came out. Granted, I would of liked darker floors - I still love them this way with all their character.

Here's some before and afters of the dining room!

I forgot an AFTER! :)  Love Spray Paint!

I love this random piece of wood in the dining room!