announcement time

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Well, I have an announcement....We're MOVING! :)

We found out yesterday that Mike got the job he interviewed for on the 16th. So it looks like the Fleischhauers are headed to Rolla, MO (it's pronounced Raul-a). It's about 1 1/2 southwest of St. Louis, MO. We are really excited for this job. It's somewhere we can see ourselves staying. It really hasn't sunk in yet, I think once we go down and start looking at houses it will start feeling real.

Now here's the kicker...they would like it if Mike could start by February 1st! That just stresses me out to no end. We were planning on buying a house when we move, which I'm so excited for, but I'm feeling the stress of the deadline. We don't know where to begin...we know we need to start with getting approved for the loan, but what lender? And there starts the waterfall of questions in my head.

I told Mike worse case scenario is him moving down while I stay in Hannibal until we find a house. I don't think that it would take too long but it does calm me down thinking about it this way.

So there you have it, you'll have a good idea what we'll be doing in the month of January. :)

christmas sewing projects

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

We had a really nice visit back to Lafayette. It was good to see everyone and it was a pretty relaxing trip. We ran in to snow on our way home, but Mike did such a good job driving us safely home.

I am so happy I can finally show the projects I made for Christmas! Enjoy!

a book cover

all the purses, and one I made two of...a totally of 7!

The craft bag I made for my Mom. I designed the pattern myself! I'm pretty proud of myself on this one. I can't wait to make one for ME! :)

from our home to yours...

Friday, December 25, 2009

merry christmas eve eve!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

When I was little I always would say this on December 23rd, and my family continues to say it.

I can pretty much sum up my last few weeks in 4 words: eat, sleep, work, SEW! I have been sewing everyday! I think I have figured out I don't really like deadlines...or at least working right up to the end of one. I'm still not done! I have about a half of a project left. I can't wait to be done. I probably won't sew for a few weeks after this.

Another thing I can't wait for is to actually show all of you what I've been making. I hate just talking about what I've made in the most general way and then no picture!

Mike and I will be opening our gifts on Christmas Eve morning. My present still hasn't shown up (hmm...seem a little too familiar). Hopefully I will be opening gifts with him. Then we are traveling back home tomorrow afternoon; both of us have tomorrow off! We will most likely head back to Missouri on Sunday, but maybe Monday. I haven't got my schedule for that week yet, so we will know soon enough how long our visit will be.

Mike had an interview on the 16th. We haven't heard anything yet, I was hoping for something by Christmas. It was for the area we wanted so, please keep thinking of us. I told Mike I won't really be sad if you don't get it, but i hate this waiting thing...just tell me already! :)

do you see what i see?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Do you see any thing special??? Guess! Are you sure you know what I'm talking about? :)

It's the Mississippi! And craziest part is this picture was taken from our front porch! Yep, that's right, you can see the MIGHTY Mississippi for our house. You can only see it in the winter because all the trees leaves get in the way the rest of the year. Dang Trees!

Anyway, just thought you would like to see what I can see!

i've been commissioned!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

*just a fancy way of saying I sold a purse!

I never would of dreamed I would make something someone else would want to buy. I know it's a small step and I don't really know where this step is going to lead, but it's really exciting!

oh christmas tree..

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Here is our Christmas tree. Now like I said earlier, it's a pretty sparse tree; I can't wait to get a new one. But it will do for now. I think we had a pretty good time putting it up. Since Mike doesn't really like decorating, I was really surprised he helped. He didn't last year....I'm totally turning him! I need to make a tree skirt, so hopefully I can find some Christmas fabric on sale closer to Christmas. We really don't 'need' it this year, but if I could get the fabric on sale, I would have a whole year to make it. :)

You can't have Christmas without a leg lamp in your window!

Just a tad more decorating...

We really don't have much Christmas decorations. I guess that just mean I get to buy a whole bunch of it when we buy a house! :) I know I've been complaining about not having things or wish mine were nicer/bigger, but I am very appreciative of what I have (just didn't want to leave a wrong impression with this post).

I'm hoping to get some Christmas baking in before the big day, but in reality I probably won't be able to until after the holidays...let's just call it my winter baking. I've been so busy sewing and I'm not ever half done. I really should be sewing instead of blogging right now....

...I think that's what I'm going to do. :)


Sunday, December 6, 2009

I made it!

When I started this blog a year ago, I truly didn't think I would keep up with it as much as a have. Now I know I've kind of been a slacker in the posted department lately, but as a whole I think I've done pretty good. I've really enjoyed blogging, it's a great release and I get to update everyone on our life. :)

We had a really nice Thanksgiving. We went Wednesday night to St. Charles, Mo to have actual Thanksgiving dinner with Mike's Aunt, Uncle and Cousin. Since I had to work Friday, we couldn't really justify going back to Indiana for 1 day. Then Friday afternoon my parents came to town for the rest of the weekend. We had a really great time; didn't do too much. We did go bowling though! Bowling was always a big thing in my family. We actually had Lindstrom family bowling the first Saturday of every month. We really enjoyed it and have missed it since moving to Missouri. Mike and I had only been once before here, and the was in February for Valentine's.

This weekend was really nice. It was good to have a relaxing one after the hussle and bussle of Thanksgiving. Yesterday, Mike went to his first auction and I stayed home to sew. :) I really enjoy just being in the quite house and sewing. I didn't get as much done as I would of liked but I got a lot of prep work done so I can do a bit of sewing this week. I'm making some Christmas presents, and I'm just hoping I can get everything I planned for accomplished. I just need to set aside an hour or so a night and

Then today, we kind of just lounged around in the morning, did a bit of Christmas shopping, grabbed some eggnog and came home to put the tree up. Our tree is kind of a sad tree; pretty thin. It was my college tree and we just haven't replaced it yet. We went to Lowe's today, and I checked out their trees. Mike said we might be able to buy a new one on the after Christmas sales. :) We need a new one, but since we don't really have Christmas at our house yet, I don't really feel the need to put money into one yet.

But it was really cool to have Mike say we could get a new tree. I hate to say it, but my husband is a grinch when it comes to decorating. He feels it's too expensive, doesn't see the point in it and hates that it's just more stuff to store. I'm the complete opposite...I love to decorate, and not just around the holidays. Maybe I'm finally turning him.....let's hope! :)