
Saturday, October 31, 2009

I guess we are just getting old, since we have no plans for tonight. :)

Mike was out hunting again and didn't get home until after dark, so we had a late dinner. He had an unsuccessful day of hunting and is thinking about going out in the morning but, I don't really see that happening. But we will see.

I on the other hand had a pretty productive Saturday. I did some much needed laundry, sewing, and made some sugar cookies (shaped like pumpkins and leaves, of course). This mini project I'm doing is almost complete and probably would have been but I need to figure out some logistics. Hopefully it will be done tomorrow.



Friday, October 30, 2009

Mike went out tonight for the first time this bow season. Actually, I think this is the first time Mike's hunted dear with a bow; I've always known him to go out during shot gun season. He recently bought a used bow off of someone we know, so I know he's excited to go out and really try it out. I'm hoping he gets something today, or he's going to go out this whole weekend. :(

I'm looking forward to a quiet, simple weekend. We've have two busy weekends in a row so I can't wait to just relax. maybe get a little sewing in.. :) I can't show what I'm making but I will show a sneak peak with the fabric. I went to far lengths to find this, since it wasn't available at my fabric store I ordered it online. I had a pretty good experience with ordering online, and I guess it's good practice in case we move somewhere else that doesn't have a fabric store.

that's it. that's all you get.... :)

Hope you have a great weekend!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We carved our pumpkins about 2 weeks ago after we went to the apple orchard with Brad and Lindsey. Sorry it took my forever to post these, but over the weekend we finally got our computer fixed and I was able to upload a ton of pictures. YES!

Mike getting Smokey the Bear all squared up.

The boys took a bit longer than the girls. :)

My Eiffel Tower.

Smokey all lit up.

Mike definitely took his time with Smokey. With Mike being a forester, they have tons of Smokey the Bear stuff; key chains, lanyards, ruler, etc. Then he got a email with this stencil, and it was a easy choice for him.

hog roast

Friday, October 23, 2009

I think Mike had a pretty nice birthday on Wednesday. We had our friends, Brad and Lindsey, over and it was just a over all relaxing evening. The guys hung out while Lindsey and I were in the kitchen. I got Mike a new alarm clock and a boning knife. I know a alarm clock doesn't sound very neat, but it does a whole lot: inside/outside temp, auto daylight savings change, projector, sound machine and radio. I think that's all it does.... I figured he could use a nice knife for when he gets a deer this year (here's hoping). He did a really nice job butchering last years, so I'm sure this one will be even better.

We are going home for the weekend. Our friend, Matt and Katie, are having a hog roast! Since we won't be able to come home for Thanksgiving, this just seems like that right time for a visit home. I'm really excited to see everyone and hope we can get everything in that we want to.

My great Aunt Lousie passed away on Tuesday, and her funeral is Saturday morning. I'm glad we will be home so we could be there for it. I hadn't see her in a couple years. It's definitely a sad time.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Wednesday was our one year anniversary........of living in Missouri. :) I can't believe it's been a year. I knew it was on the 14th , but when it came I nearly forgot. So I guess we are now official Missourians.

This weekend was the Folk Life festival here in Hannibal. It's comparable to "the feast of the hunters moon" back home, but a prairie version and it's downtown on Main Street instead of in a field. We went yesterday and wandered our way looking at all the pottery, jewelry, art and FOOD! The food was really good, Mike and I had cheese steak sandwiches...mmm! We bought a spoon rest to go next to the coffee maker and some pumpkin fudge. So good!

This coming Wednesday is Mike's birthday! He's going to be a old man of 26. :) It seems like just yesterday I saw him on his 21st birthday. We had just met and I was hanging out at his house when he came home from the bars (I was only 19). 2 weeks later we were a couple!

We aren't really doing anything that special, our friends Brad and Lindsey are coming over for dinner, I'm making homemade pizza and pumpkin roll (birthday boy's request!). I'm sure it will be a good night, I just want to make it exciting and special, but I married a simple man. And it's his birthday, so I told him it was his choice.

Small thing I learned this week - Mike puts the bread tie on in the opposite direction as I do. So it always takes me two tries to untie it. :)

the meaning of friday

Friday, October 9, 2009

....I finally understand the joy of this day. :)

Since I've always worked retail, Fridays never meant that much to me. I always worked some part of the weekend. Well, not anymore! This is my first weekend without a job in awhile. We don't really have plans, except we are resigning our lease tomorrow morning.

I heard a advertisement on the radio on my way home this evening about a orchard near by. It's doing a demonstration on how they make apple cider and they have it and pumpkins for sale. It's on Sunday, so I'm going to try to find it online and ask Mike if we can go. We haven't bought our pumpkins yet and I can't wait to get some and figure out what to carve it in to.

So I got tagged.

Here are the rules:

1. open your first photo folder

2. scroll to the 10th photo

3. post the photo on your blog and tell the story behind it

4. tag people to do the same

Well, here's a little back story. My computer crashed about 2 months ago, so I've been using Mike's laptop full-time now. Don't worry, I have all my pictures saved on CD, but I'm waiting for my new hard drive before I upload them. So the only pictures I have on a computer are pretty recent.

This picture is from our anniversary camping trip (in September). This was the view from our camp site. So peaceful. I love that we weren't surrounded by other campers. It was a great weekend. :)

Since I don't really know that many people that read this that blog as well, I'm going to tag Anne and Laura. They are sure to have great pictures and great stories.

free day

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Here I am at home on a Sunday instead of at work! I'm finally free of BB&B. It felt so good to just get up and make breakfast and then have nothing else really planned for the day. Well, I do have things planned for today, I guess; I'm catching up on everything I needed/wanted to do this week. I've already made granola bars for Mike's morning snack, and hopefully I will get cookies made for lunches.

Mike's at a friends today to help on a vehicle so I have the house to myself to get things accomplished. I really want to work on my table runner, but my sewing machine has other plans. I've probably sewn six lines and ripped them all out. I think my problem is the tension of the thread, and of course, I can't figure out how to fix it. I'm going to pull out my manual and try to fix it before Mike comes home. Fingers crossed...

I love having a day to do whatever I want. I don't think I've had one of these days since about February. True story.